Friday, June 27, 2008

It's gotta be the water

Just something wrong here. Not going into how the JS beat the JT once again, but would like to know what is wrong with selection/nominating committees? The "NEW" now "OLD" chanclor for Parkisde (Podunk U) had a vote of no cofidence against him at his old place, and is being ivestigated for sexual harrassement and misapropriation of funds to the tune of $500k. Needless to say he has resigned before he even started.

Of note is how the selection committee never heard about the vote of no cofidence even though the recruiting/nominating committee knew all about it. Just a real shame and sham on folks who pay these buffoons wages.

I guess it just pays to read the JS instead of the JT.


  1. What does a chancellor do? Does he/she have to produce anything? Procure donations and grants? Schmooze the legislature? Oversee faculty and staff? Oversee the deans? Or what?

    Does a chancellor declare what "direction" the school will take, or dictate what the school's mission is? I graduated from UW-P in the 70's, and the mission then, or at least part of it, was to serve the industrial needs of SE Wisconsin. I assume that's changed, or been amended.

    The pay is a little over $200,000. What kind of bang do we get for our buck?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Gutted. Very sad what they have done. Gutted all the science and math departments. Completely removed the engineering. Built a gym and now its all art majors, drama majors and 2nd string atheletes. very bad place. Turned it into an A factory. It is so bad they can't get in ANY decent companies during job fairs.

    Wendy's, UPS box tossers, everything you can do with a highschool education. Even with the drool inducing job selections, there are at most five companies that come in and set up tables. Not like the old days. I was glad to get my ticket punched to get into RIT in New York. What a school.

    "A" work at Darkside would only get a C at RIT. A real ball buster school, but their job fairs.... WOW. NASA, CIA, Lockheed, Boeing, auto makers for engineers, just an AMAZING array of opportunities.

  4. Dumbing down makes us all equal. Literacy and math skills are discriminatory against those who don't have them. It's our patriotic duty to be stupid.

  5. Hey Orbs,
    You may want to check out the book "The Age of American Unreason" by Susan Jacoby. It's available at the Racine Public Library. It's a good summation of what has happened to cultural literacy in the last 40 years in America.

  6. Orbs, I don't think we need to worry about literacy skills in this city. Here is a comment from one of the relatives in the most recent child shootings on Mead street: “They don’t usually be over here. We don’t even know who these guys is.” One of the comments coined the phrase "urbanics."

    Just when you sigh relief that new management might come in and clean up a diseased system, things only get worse. We have over 30 police officers leaving the system, 2 of the 3 main high school principals being replaced, "Pulliam pulling out" Vanden'why'man? leaving Unified...CFO's, CEO's dropping like is as if everything has run amok.

  7. KK, all of that is nothing that another festival or public art project can't fix. Party on!
