Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Which is Worse?

Watching paint dry, watching grass grow or watching baseball on TV?


  1. I can beat those....
    *waiting for the doctor's office to return your phone call
    *waiting for your computer repair guy, right lizardmom?
    *watching golf on television

    I kinda like watching grass grow. It is peaceful. : )

  2. For awhile in the 80's, when I lived in Chicago, I got into watching the Cubs on TV, when I could. And I have a buddy who still likes to watch the Yankees on TV, but only the Yankees. Generally, though, bor-ring.

    I'm not a big sports fan, but I'd much rather watch a game in person than on TV. (And I wouldn't watch someone else golf in any case.) Baseball is a "gentleman's game" and perhaps not suited to the action-packed expectations of today's audiences.

  3. Sitting on hold and having to listen to the message on how great the company is but yet it takes them over 15 minutes for a live person to answer the call.

  4. grass, paint, golf, tennis, baseball, NASCAR. Although there are worse things than baseball, all of them including NASAR are boring as Hell.

  5. hmmm, paint drying - the upside is the fumes, could make you happy...
    grass growing - well, I actually prefer watching the dandelions come up so the boys will be happy, they LOVE them!!
    Baseball, at least there is a little action involved but still rather boring...
    YES - kk - waiting for my internet connection to be restored and KEEPING it that way, terrible to wait for, it's like coming to the computer to see friends only to find you've been grounded and can't come out and play :(

  6. There is an episode of the Simpsons where Homer gives up drinking. He goes to a baseball game, sober,and observes, "I never realized how boring this game really is."
