Saturday, July 19, 2008

Madame Zoltar: I Predict a Wonderful Time at the Bloggers' Picnic

See you there, or be square!


  1. I will be giving out complimentary readings to anyone who joins my Psychic of the Month Club.

  2. C'mon guys, please tell me where it is!

  3. Sorry anonymous, your rsvp was DENIED! We have a strict rule that pants MUST be worn. Different rules apply to the scheduled orgy afterward. ;?

    Mme. Z. can you do anything about the weather? Btw, did you rsvp? Will you physically be 'with us' or will you be there 'in spirit?'

    I think I already ate 1/4 of the brownies....

  4. I'm making strawberry dark chocolate cupcakes filled with freezer jam (made from this year's berries), topped with dark chocolate frosting... I really need to get my butt in gear if I'm going to make it on time!

  5. I already did something about the weather: no one will be sunburned today.

    I am attending the picnic via astral projection. The last time I did that, I overshot the mark by a couple hundred miles or so. If that happens again, I'll wave as I fly by.

  6. Thank you everyone, especially Lizardmom and family. I had a great time. I made off with brownies and cupcake. I very much enjoyed meeting each and every one of you. Too bad Madame Zoltar was a no show.

  7. It was really great seeing everybody, and meeting Fungi, it was a great day, thanks everybody for coming out, despite the weather :)

  8. It was great meeting everybody! I had a wonderful time. The food and treats were excellent. Thanks lizardmom for throwing all of this together!

  9. Yay!
    Thanks LM for the awesome party:-) Sorry I couldn't stay for the orgy, but I had to get home and feed the chickens (and get the girl child to work on time... kids~).
    The food was the BEST; you throw a mean party (reptiles and all)!

  10. Where to start where to start;
    First thank you Lizardmom,you throw a mean soire. To the rest of you thank you for the warm welcome to the group.
    It was to bad Mme Zoltar didn't make it (I guess her astral projection was a half a bubble off) maybe next time.

  11. Oh my dears! I ended up at a loggers' picnic in the Northwest Territory. Those lumberjacks throw a mean party! I have sawdust everywhere.

  12. Mme. Z. - You may have sawdust everywhere, but I bet you have a smile on your face, you saucy wench! We hope to see you at the next gathering.

  13. A good time was had by all and again this 'out of state blogger' was made to feel so welcome. Thank you LM for opening up your home.

    I am back to Florida come Monday...the long way, of course, but with NO CHILDREN in the car.

    Again, thank you for the fun!

    PS mme. zoltar, was my Dad's spirit at the loggers' picnic? I know you are aware (through your many psychic powers) that my dad was a lumberjack! Were you by any chance in Tipler, WI at the old Cal John Logging Camp.....or did you end up further north than that?
