How can it only be Wednesday,
this week has seemed to last
for a month, and a very bad one at that.
(OK, this is my venting rant, not a cry
for sympathy- by the way)
The past weekend brought on a horrible
chest cold for myself and now my youngest, we're a mess and miserable.
OK, that managable.
Monday night,
one of my brother in laws had a massive stroke, he passed away last night.
My mom called and one of her closest
friends took a turn for the worst, she has serious, vicious cancer and her days are very numbered.
I feel like that frog, trying to get to the end of the week, or with him, just trying to get on top of things and get to the top and end of the week.
How are you guys surviving?
Friends at work have been wonderful and very supportive, they keep trying to
hug me, which is not ok, I will lose it at 1st squeeze. Give me a week, I may be able to handle it then...
Don't worry, my vacations from anything are very short, so I'm hoping to be almost myself by next week, I have important stuff to do,
So, thanks for listening/reading my attempt at letting out some steam,
I do feel better.
On another note, the input has been coming in for our next outing.
If you do not see something in your email box in the next day or 2 from me,
please email me direct if interested in our next time together
And if you doget it, if there are opinion questions, please answer them :)
Thanks guys, this was very theraputic!!
this week has seemed to last
for a month, and a very bad one at that.
(OK, this is my venting rant, not a cry
for sympathy- by the way)
The past weekend brought on a horrible
chest cold for myself and now my youngest, we're a mess and miserable.
OK, that managable.
Monday night,
one of my brother in laws had a massive stroke, he passed away last night.
My mom called and one of her closest
friends took a turn for the worst, she has serious, vicious cancer and her days are very numbered.
I feel like that frog, trying to get to the end of the week, or with him, just trying to get on top of things and get to the top and end of the week.
How are you guys surviving?
Friends at work have been wonderful and very supportive, they keep trying to
hug me, which is not ok, I will lose it at 1st squeeze. Give me a week, I may be able to handle it then...
Don't worry, my vacations from anything are very short, so I'm hoping to be almost myself by next week, I have important stuff to do,
So, thanks for listening/reading my attempt at letting out some steam,
I do feel better.
On another note, the input has been coming in for our next outing.
If you do not see something in your email box in the next day or 2 from me,
please email me direct if interested in our next time together
And if you doget it, if there are opinion questions, please answer them :)
Thanks guys, this was very theraputic!!
ok, an email was sent out, if you did not receive one, please email me. I may not have your email address. Please don't feel slighted :)
My condolences on your brother-in-law. Man, it's hard to feel sorry for myself after reading what you've been going through. Just a chest cold will make me whine like a baby. Please try to find the time and space to take care of yourself a little bit. Not only are you our service coordinator, but also head project pusher and chief bottle washer. We need you. Hang in there.
Hey lizardmom,sorry to hear about what you're going through.I hope things get better for you. If you ever need anything or someone to talk to, just give me a holler. We're here for you.
thanks guys, that means alot. Orbs, I have been taking care of myself as much as possible. I close myself up in our room with the vaporizer and crash curled up in bed watching TV. I almost feel guilty for not making supper, but I'll get over it as long as I get over this. I am going to call the DR tomorrow and see if I can get back on steroids, then I'll be a breathing super woman, look out!!!
Don't worry either, this doesn't give you guys a chance to slack off on sending your input back to me!! I may not blog as much until things get a little more sane but I do check emails insanely frequently. :)
(Yes, that was a HUGE HINT to get your responses in!!)
Oh my, \LM,you are going through a very difficult time...I feel for you. Been there, done that. I hope life gets better for your family.
Hugs to all.
Seems that it has been a rough stretch for many of us. Sorry to hear about your latest struggles, lizardmom. We are here for you.
I guess I have nothing to complain about with my dog pooping in the basement this morning (Liz, you are supposed to crack a grin a do a little chuckle on that one). Sorry to hear about your situations. Hang in there....it is only a temporary state of being.
Sorry to hear about the rough patch. Take care of yourself.
ok, I'm going to live. I caved in and went to prompt care (they opened 2 hours earlier than my dr...)
I'm on high dose steroids for my asthma and an antibiotic for the rest....I should be back to myself next week, I hope!
Those steroids put you in a funky mood, right? I knew a woman who occasionally had to take steroids for her asthma. She appreciated the relief, but hated the side effects.
Prednisone is a wonderful and awful thing all at once. On it, I can breath, and have tons of energy , and seem alot more focused, which at my age, is reallly nice. It also clears up any skin irritations wonderfully.
While on it tho... I drink SO much water, makes me very thirsty. Also makes me very moody and cranky, the family pretty much hides and avoids eye contact..... the 1st time I took it I called the pharmacy and asked if extreme moodiness is normal, they said yes, why then wouldn't they have shared that with me when I got it??
At least now I know what to expect so I catch myself most of the time.
It also ruined my eyes. I had double cataract surgery 5 years ago, but between the surgery and Froedtert's Eye Institute, I'm not doing too bad.
I guess it's a classic love/hate thing... but a girl's gotta breathe
Lizardmom, Prednisone is the worst drug I have ever taken. Oh yes you’ll be energized. I would be up at 2 in the morning cleaning the house, doing laundry, etc and hungry full time.
I took a high dosage of it for a year. During that year I probably averaged 1-1/2 to 2 hours sleep a day. Now I sleep for 1-1/2 hours and then I’m up for at 30 minutes to an hour before I can go back to bed. It’s been like that for over 5 years now. So the doc gave me Ambien CR. I can take 3 at a time...and I’ll still be up in 1-1/2 hours.
So if you have any good sleeping drugs let me know. I’ve tried beer several times...that don’t help.
SER, it's never affected my sleep, but it has messed me up otherwise, but being able to breath is a fair trade to me, nothing else worked.
For sleeping, I take a benadryl every night, 2 if it's needed. That was recommended by a pharmacist, with the hours I keep, falling asleep when I needed to was an issue. It works well and helps my allergies too! Give it a try. I take it an hour before bed then try to veg and let it work it's magic before heading to bed.
Hang in there hon......
sorry I haven't been here in awhile but I can only get on sometimes and sometimes I'm blocked.
We do need a get together...and let me help more this time as you seem to have a ton on your plate at this time. Don't try to do it all.....I'm here to help.......
thanks Abby, this one should be very easy to handle, everybody is bringing something and we need lawn chairs, will know more Monday, thanks!
Wow, after a day and a half on the good stuff, I'm feeling like a whole new person. Yesterday I couldn't breath, today, I'm breathing and smiling, wow, I missed that part! I also don't hurt as bad from all the coughing, I hurt all over, not fun, but I'm getting better, thanks for the kind words and support, I just love you guys!!!!!!!!
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