Thursday, August 7, 2008

Books you read as a kid

Okay, I read the Black Beauty, all the Nancy Drew Mysteries, Little Prince, Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland, Mrs. Mike, Little Women, Silas Marner, Withering Heights, etc. Which were your favorite reads as a child?

One of my favorite recollections as a small child was my Mom taking us to the library. It was a reward if we behaved ourselves when we went to get our shots for school...yep, they even did that way back then!


  1. SER, yes, I did read MAD magazine too.

  2. I think most of the kids I hung around with....the National Geographic was their favorite.

  3. I vaguely remember Wonder Books. I read a lot of comic books as a kid. In high school I read Hunter S. Thompson's Hells Angels on the sly. I also got into Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes stories then. I was introduced to short stories in high school and have loved them ever since. Got into poetry and literature in college.

    I vaguely remember the old library on Main St. (now the Racine Heritage Museum). I remember getting my card at the then new library.

    Best kept secret in town: UW-P's library. Shhh!

  4. Oh yeah, I read MAD magazine, too. I think I even subscribed at one point. I even read Cracked magazine occasionally. (Wasn't that it's name? Jeez, what a difference a few decades makes in the meaning of things. lol)

    And I once subscribed to Playboy. For the articles. And short stories. Ahem.

  5. I read everything as a kid. I belonged to the weekly reader book club at school. It was always a treat to buy a book of my own. Funny, the only one I can remember owning right now was 101 Dalmatians. Creulla Deville was soooo evil.

    I also went to the bookmobile every week. It stopped a block away from my house. The librarian would always get special books for me; I was one of their best supporters. I would sit on the porch and read all summer.

  6. Nancy Drew Hardy Boys and any mystery. My Dad used to take me to the library and let me pick what I wanted and he'd go off to the adult section to get his mysteries. When he died I got alot of his books. All mysteries and a few camp cook books.
    I think I got my love of reading from him.

  7. The first book I remeber reading as a kid was called "The Seven Chinese Brothers".

    Each had some special ability. One had a rubber neck, one could swallow the ocean, etc.

  8. My library consisted a lot of the Classic Comic books. I also enjoyed the Whitman books published by Western. I still have the Whitman "Walt Disney's American Folklore" with the abridged Uncle Remus stories, Paul Bunyun, and the Legend of Sleepy Hollow.

  9. Growing up, I always had the wealth of literature around my house. I loved to read nonfiction books about the stars and dinosaurs. My folks subscribed magazines like Ranger Rick and National Wildlife. Then it was comic books like Superman and The Legion of Super Heroes.

    In junior high,I was into S.E. Hinton's The Outsiders and Rumble Fish.

    High School-The Lord of the Rings(my personal favorite)

    Nowadays I've been reading stuff of the internet like blogs and articles. I been reading Masashi Kishimoto's Naruto.

  10. My angles are many, my sides are not few

    I am the dodecahedron, who are you?

    The one I still treasure is the Phantom Tollbooth.

  11. My favorite childhood book was "Gulliver's Travels". Of course, I also enjoyed "Grimms Fairy Tales", and "Where the wild things are" many more

  12. I didn’t read much when I was young but in high school I had a subscription to Time magazine. I even kept it up for a couple years afterwards.

    But I did read of Mice and Men. I believe it’s a classic now. The last book I read cover to cover was Schindler’s List.

    Beejay, Mad Magazine, that perverted little shit.

  13. SER, how can you say that about Alfred E Newman!!!!! For shame. It was our hero back in the good old days.

    I had forgotten about the Weekly Reader book club, KK. I, too, belonged to that....

    My brother decided one year to see if he could read more books than anyone else. In order to receive credit for them, you had to do a book report. The teacher eventually sent my mother a note begging her to intervene and that he not do any more book reports....

  14. In about third grade there was a series of "detective" books called Encyclopedia Brown. They let you chose your own plot & ending based on decisions made in the book. I used to love those books - there was a whole series.

    As I got older...I will preface this with I had extremely conservative parents...I remember getting in trouble for reading The Outsiders, Are you There God It's Me Margret, Forever and any other number of books by Judy Bloom. As conservative as my parents were I think they had a hard time punishing me for reading but man did I get it for some of those books! So racey ya know!
    I would say all time favorite I "discovered" as a youth had to be Catcher in the Rye.

  15. Little Women, Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, and more that I can't remember.
    Back then I could read and not fall asleep, not so anymore :(
