Monday, August 25, 2008


This is what I see.


  1. DogAddicts, it's your screen resolution setting; or, rather, the failure of the gadget's code to compensate (wraparound?) for a 800 X 600 resolution setting. When I changed my resolution to 800 X 600, the Chat appeared like yours. When I went back to 1024 X 768, the Chat appeared like this: chat

    And that's after it's been narrowed. (I changed the color to highlight the controls.) I don't know enough HTML or whatever to fix this. I guess we'll have to see how many people have a problem with it. If we narrow the Chat frame to the point that you can access the control buttons, I think it will appear ridiculously thin to those with a 1024 X 768 setting.

    Another alternative is to put the Chat at the bottom of the page, say, atop the calendar, where it can be widened considerably and I think you will still be able to see the controls.

    I used to have my screen setting at 800 X 600, too. I resisted changing to 1024 X 768 primarily because of a vision problem. But I started to have more and more trouble with websites designed for 1024 X 768. I finally forced myself to change. Now I sit even closer to the monitor. I can feel the radiation penetrating my prefrontal lobes...

  2. Just checked Talkinator's website: There's sparse support information.

  3. Well, it worked good enough tonight.
    Had a nice chat with Drew. Guess I will just have to identify myself each time I come on?
    I can't change the resolutions .. things get set, and I don't mess with them.
    It's confusing, I know.. but until I get a new *bigger* monitor.... oh well
