I found a link to this in the Journal Times' comments. Can you spot the locations? One is 12th and Washington. Island Park is also in there. As is Pershing Park, where I saw some of this being filmed last year. Dozens of cars and people descended on the area behind Gateway Technical College and tore it up. Of course, my first thought was to call the police, but the RPD has all but beaten that instinct out of me. I've stopped pestering them with annoying calls about crime in the city. I just walked away, shaking my head....
The video is a year old, about the age that most of the people in it act.
This is what happens in my neighborhood, Mayor Becker. They're so brazen that they film it and post it for nationwide viewing, because they know that absolutely nothing will be done about it. Party on!
Ok, RPD, now that this evidence is in the public domain, why don't you do something about it?
This nonsense simply destroys the quality of life in Racine.
I LOVE the lyrics of that music. Can you drive past my house with it blaring at 1000 decibels so that my huge picture window vibrates to the point where it might shatter?
I don't bother to call the police with anything either. They have made it very clear that they don't want to hear anything more from me either.
I recognize several of those cars in the video. So anyone who already doesn't have a nuisance tag attached to their phone number (I'm certain the RPD does that) feel like forwarding this video to Racine's finest?... Like they will do anything about it, HA!
Yeah, they park in the lot behind my building at night and serenade me by blasting rap. It's OK, though, as long as they don't wake anyone important.
Here's a couple of pictures I took of the Pershing Park "shoot":
Pictures dated 5/13/2007 4:09 PM.
At the meeting with the bloggers, the mayor was utterly incredulous that there are any problems on south Main St. I was sitting in East Park when the above BS started, Mayor. The noise and smoke were incredible. Many people went to the lakebank to see what the commotion was about. Yet, somehow all this missed the attention of RPD or any city officials.
It is a sad, sick JOKE that anyone who supposedly represents this city has no idea of what is happening outside of the borders of downtown.
This is REAL old news. The JT had this about 9 months ago. You guys don't like Black people hey? Maurice will be upset.
Yeah,I've seen that purple polka dotted car around-in my parking lot!(Must be visiting someone here-I don't know who). All I could think of is what gaudy paint job.
Nothing against black people - everything against asshats on (and off) the road.
These people are not bad people. They just want to have fun just like anyone else. Its unfortunate the city of Racine doesn’t have a place where people can go and have fun without be harassed. It would be great to have a place where people can go and blast their music without some SOB whining the music is too loud or their cars make too much noise or their language is not acceptable.
These people spend BIG dollars on their rides and like to show them off. I wonder when the people of Racine will realize these guys/girls with the fancy rides do police themselves if given a play to go.
There is something to be said on the point that SER makes. These vehicles do not belong on the road nor is it legal to drive in the fashion they are encouraging others to in this video.
My neighbor has a gorgeous old souped up car on which he has spent a lot of money to restore. It is very noisy to start up. He, on the other hand, is courteous about when he fires it up. He does not race down the street. He does not blast us with pounding music. I realize this is a hobby for him and accept the occasional loudness. He is a very nice, considerate man.
What others here are complaining about is not a hobbyist. It is criminal activity that is allowed to happen: Vandalism, drug dealing, ordinance (sound) violations, reckless, inconsiderate and dangerous behavior that puts others at risk.
I think what ticks people off is that it is allowed. Even though it is known and reported, it is ignored. But oh man, park your car on the wrong side of the street or let your meter run out.... you, a law abiding citizen, one who the law doesn't fear, will get a ticket. That is the corker.
Law abiding citizens pay their fines - thugs do not. That is why law abiding citizens get the citations. Much of our police "protection" is revenue generation and has nothing to do with justice or the law.
I didn't know rednecks could be black, lol! That's how people drive out here in the sticks:-)
i drove that car foo!!! that car is badass!!!
Screw these guys!!! You want to talk about breaking laws. These mother f's stole our car. I guess they were jealous that the white boy's ride was hotter than theirs. Racine PD has been great LOL. U all proud to ride around in those donks that you pay for by slinging dope and stealing from hard working people. Bet you didn't even do any of that work yourself. You go on with your bad selves. You'll get yours.
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