Sorry, don't want to laugh at the misfortune of others, but this is hilarious. People are so engrossed in texting that they're walking into things (including traffic) while doing so.
After I parked in a spot at a hospital recently, I was gathering up things from my truck when I noticed someone having the dickens of a time trying to park next to me. I looked up and she was talking on a cell phone, applying lipstick, and trying to drive at the same time.
Duh! Ha ha. I really don't care if these fools hurt only themselves with their stupidity, but when Mr. or Mrs. Knobshine pulls out into traffic while yammering on the phone, adjusting the stereo, and yelling at the kids all at the same time, something has to be done.
I know they can issue citations for inattentive driving, but what about inattentive walking?
We were talking about the demand made on us to multi-task more and more. I can barely walk and chew gum at the same time.
I won't talk and drive... I just can't focus on driving. I've had some very near misses with people who pulled out in front of me while chatting it up.
It really irks me when I see kids in the car with these people. If you want to be stupid, do it on your own time... Don't put others at risk.
I never text and drive. Way too dangerous. I don't know how people can do it.
If I get a call while driving,I usually have my son (my trusty navigator)take the call or I'll pull over and talk.
Remember,it only takes a second to get into an accident.
People who text while driving are totally nuts.
They need to be arrested and the fine should be substantial. If it was up to me, $500.00 for the first offence, $1,000 for the second plus loss of you driving privileges for 3 months.
People who are arrested for drunk driving pay the price. These people are just as bad, as KK stated "Don't put others at risk" they ARE putting others at risk and it's not a laughing matter.
The really insane part is that they make scooters with built in cell phone chargers...as if you are going to talk on your cell phone while on a scooter!
That's why I rather be flying a plane! There are far many less of those idiots up there.
Guy who lives in my apt. building was hit head-on earlier this year by a girl who was texting. Lucky no one was killed.
Do they have motorcycle helmets with built-in headsets yet? Why not?
Of course they do.
I actually saw a girl fall into ( or over) a barricade that was put up over a new sidewalk. She was texting away and walked right into the barricade ( oops.. didn't see the big orange and white 2x4 across the sidewalk)
It was funny.. she tripped,fell.. the cement had not been poured yet, just a big drop. :)
I know I am evil for laughing.
And they have sunglasses with built in earphones and mp3 player. They advertise these in Runner's world and they are tempting (but expensive). Earbuds never stay in when I run...the problem is that I also run at night sometimes!
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