Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Free at last, oh free at last.

Dag gone glitchy puter. Had a good time at the picnic. In fine form I made sure to wear my School's base ball cap. Located in sunny Henrieta New York, R.I.T. (Rochester Institute of Technology) had a fraternity selling hats for South Henrieta Institute of Technology. (S.H.I.T.) So here I am all freshly arrived to Pets and there is a group nice and close to the parking lot. A guy walks up to me and I ask, "Is this the picnic for the irregular support group?"

He looks at me, glances at my hat, gets a real weird look on his face and shudders as he says no. Now I'm quite oblivious forgetting what my hat says, but after time passed all I can think was the poor Iregular folks I was with across the way must have had a LOT of gossip about us from this first group afterI rolled away.

It was good meeting all of you and I think Orbs is bald. Only say this because the ball cap never came off. :-) I was actually sick from being overly full. That made for a great nap later that afternoon.

As I said when I was asked, next meet place, AMSTERDAM!


  1. Actually, it's glued onto my head.

  2. It was an honor to meet you,huck. I'm glad that you a good time!

  3. Huck, the worst thing is to have a computer on the fritz. That is the fastest way to get me worked up is to have my computer not play nice, grrr

    again it was great to finally meet you!!

  4. Yes, Huck, the pleasure was all mine. It's great to put a face on the people posting.

  5. So glad you came, huck. It was great to meet you. So... we are your support group now? If Dr. Orbs tells you to lie down and tell him how you feel....run away, fast! :D

  6. So sorry I missed the picnic. Sounds like you all had some fun.

    Unavoidable last minute work shit Was almost 5 by the time we could have gotten there, and by then I was in a pissy mood.. didn't think you'd still be there. And I don't think you would have wanted me there being all pissy now would you?

  7. was a goodtime and we couldnt have had a better day for it
