Sunday, September 14, 2008

Laser magic

We all know magic is based on slight of hand and misdirection. But this high-tech trick defies explanation.

Laser magic


  1. I usually don't watch magic acts because it drives me crazy trying to figure out how they do it. This is no exception. hale-bopp, please help.

  2. Magic was ruined for me when those shows came out explaining the tricks behind them. I should never have peeked behind the curtain....

    The magic that I think is really cool is the "close up magic" that some do. It is right there in front of your eyes, then it is not.

    Cool visuals on this one though. The seductive music, the obligatory lights...Thanks. :)

  3. Sorry, Orbs. Of all the things I do, magic happens to be one of them so I am bound by the Magician's Code! So even the things I do know (and I don't know everything about how these effects are done, but I recognize some of the effects) I cannot say!

  4. Magician's Code? Is that anything like the 5th Amendment?

  5. Yeah, you know the "Never reveal a secret" code :)
