Friday, September 5, 2008

Microsoft is Spending $300 Million to Promote Vista

And that is the first commercial, premiering last night.



  1. Caught it last night. Can't wait to see the subsequent ones. I love Seinfeld's humor.

  2. Fun Fact...a young Jerry Seinfeld appeared in an early Mac ad (and Macs were everywhere in his show!)

  3. I liked Seinfeld's TV show and I like his stand-up work. This, I don't know. I know (hope) there'll be some cutesy tie-in to Vista at some point in the series, but it seems so extravagant to buy 90 seconds (almost unheard of these days) in prime NFL TV time to broadcast a skit that doesn't even mention the product. It's like they're saying, "We're so cool, there's so much buzz, that you already know what this is all about." But, if they are that cool and there is that much buzz, why are they spending $300 million ($10 mil to Seinfeld) to pitch a product, what, a year after its release?
