Previous blog here:
We tried every fix that blogspot offered to restore the quick edit links, but nothing worked. We even posted a query on the Google Groups site. Still nothing.
Then, this morning, almost three days (the "transition period") to the minute after changing our URL address, they reappeared.
Thank you, o mighty gods of Google!
Moving to Stamford, CT — The Complete Guide in 2025
12 hours ago
AMEN! Woo hoo! Back in bit-ness.
I missed my little pencil, also the trash bin!
Your trash bin was gone, too? I read about that in the Help section, but mine never disappeared.
For everyone else's edification: if you don't see a little pencil icon at the bottom right of your blogs for quick editing, check to make sure that you have third-party cookies accepted in your browser's security or privacy settings. Then clear all your cookies and internet cache, and restart your browser and JT Irregulars.
Gee, now you have me wondering if maybe just reading it put that suggestion in my mind.... See how vulnerable I am? What the heck was SER thinking having us read that hypnotism joke while out in public? Could have been disasterous! :D
I still wanna know who owns We're renting the domain through eNom, but they apparently don't own it, though they do offer to act as an intermediary if you want to purchase it. Who would bother to buy a strange name like Hmmm........
yeah!! the kinks are getting worked out, not alway fun being kinky :)~
oh ya, I'm super tired...
Orbs, did you check on to see who owns it?
Looks like it was just created on Sept. 22 or this year.
It looks like it's private, though. Can't really get much information.
That would have been the day we applied for the website? It is probably a deal they have, when a request is made, certain companies get rights to the name, then "rent it out." Quite a nifty racket...
If we only knew, we could have bought the name, then bloger could have paid us? Wait, that doesn't work... hahahahaha.
Btw, more useless information... Japan Today comes up when you google jt irregulars.
Yeah, DogAddicts, that's the day the domain was rented. I don't know how this works. I don't know if certain names (or maybe IP addresses), or clusters of them, are awarded to individuals/businesses, or what. I mean, when the Internet first started, how did they decide who got or or Who gets paid for the rights?
Perhaps, as the current domain registrants, we are the "owners" of the domain? Should we offer to buy it from ourselves?
OMG, kk!
I saw that orbs...dated 2002. Who are these irregular foreigners? It is like Seinfeld's bizarro world...
We are not the owners. We are the tenants. Slumlords? ha ha. The page looks excellent. I am happy we are back to our original irregularity. :)
Here's a good refresher for everyone on how to "bump" up your blog to the top of the heap:
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