They just couldn't show some modicum of respect, even when John McCain is delivering his acceptance speech. Three different leftist morons interupted the Senator. I thought he handled it very well.
In contrast, on the day of Obama's speech, when McCain was asked to comment, all he would say was this is Obama's day and I will let him enjoy it. There were no lunatic protestors.
How sad the political discourse in this country has become when they can't show enough respect to allow McCain to deliver his speech in peace.
And don't give any of that weak minded "free speech" bullshit. It was highly disrespectful and certainly does not advance their cause at all.
Regardless of our political differences, we should show respect to those who have earned it.
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12 hours ago
John and I were discussing this very thing. I was so impressed with McCain. He handled even the "interrupters: with class and style. Can you imagine how it would have been perceived if Obama's speech had been disrupted in such fashion? I can only imagine that it would be called "racism" or such nonsense.
I thought you needed credentials to get in and on the floor. No credentials, no getting in.
My degree was how to manipulate public thinking. Really a dirty degree, a lot like law school. I'm not saying the hecklers were shills, but if you do need credentials and they are only given to stout hearted Republicans, how did the hecklers get in?
It is possible, although I won't say this is true, but it is possible the hecklers were shills. The damage done to the Democrats by planting shill hecklers in the attending audience is a nice touch and not beyond the dirty politics we have come to know today "by BOTH parties."
Obama is just as capable of this kind of stunt. Then again, the hecklers could be the real deal. Hard to say, I don't trust any of them. I'd like to know how they got in is all.
Very interesting take huck. You could be correct. I didn't last long enough to see the heckling. Before you jump on me too hard, I usually can't watch more than a few minutes of ANY politician before deeming what they are selling is nothing but hot air.
It's not as hard to get credentials as you may think, especially if you do it far enough in advance.
Not to mention press credentials and passes associated with the likes of Rolling Stone or Newsweek.
That main guy is an Iraq vet and a a Ron Paul supporter.
According to Wikipedia, Ron Paul "is a Republican United States Congressman from Lake Jackson, Texas" who "has been described as conservative, Constitutionalist, and libertarian."
So where, exactly, are you getting "left wing"?
And you can find Adam Koresh's blog here. Turns out at least one of them wasn't a left wing heckler (or a shill) but a disaffected Republican Ron Paul supporter. Last blog entry for him was Wednesday...nothing on last night yet.
The left wing disruptions come in here:
Say what you will about the Repubs, but at least they show some class and courtesy.
Code Pink is antiwar. They have disrupted Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi events too.
As for the "green screen" last night, it's an interesting story.
Jak, I was going to keep this on the current convention, but since you mentioned that Republicans show class, I attended campaign events for Clinton, Gore and Kerry. All outside rallies and at every one Republicans showed up with bullhorns, trying to drown out the speeches. Using bullhorns is class and courtesy?
Although I did not watch the speech (I read the transcript...amazing how much quicker that is when you don't wait for all the applause lines), from what I have read so far, I am inclined to agree it was not appropriate to interrupt his speech the way it was, but to imply that conservatives never do likewise is laughable!
You may have missed it, but protestors disrupted a DNC Interfaith gathering started shouting that Obama is a baby killer. They just didn't get on television for it.
Right wing nonsense can get pretty tiring as well.
Campaign speeches are one thing, the accetance speech at a convention is quite another. Anyone who doesn't think "Code Pink" is not a left wing crackpot group is living in fantasy land.
With respect to Mark's opinion, I don't really care if they also interrupt Nancy and Hillary.
Bottom line: Does anyone think they advance their cause with this nonsense?
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