Please answer the following so we can get something in the works,
Question #1 - How does a bowling/darts/pizza night sound?
Question #2 - When are you guys available?
Check your emails, you should have one
with the alternative dates,
Please let me know what works and what doesn't.
(At Paradise West on Hy 20)
Input? What works for you? Does this sound like a decent plan?
Any questions, please email me at lizardmom@wi.net
I haven't bowled in 45 years. Probably do as good as my fantasy football team. It oughta be a hoot.
I haven't bowled in ages either... but it might be fun to watch orbs give it a try. I still can use the 5 lb. weight lifting restriction excuse, right?
And darts, pointy darts, in a room full of people??? Are you kidding? I would probably kill someone. The pizza sounds much less dangerous.
email me with your prefernce of dates, we won't post the date once decided on.
I have tendonitis in my right arm, and I'm only good for 1 game unless I fair well after the 1st, but I usually don't make it a 2nd. I am a horrible bowler, I'm tickled if I hit 100!
The pizza is good and watching people with bad aim (like ME!) try shooting darts, all i can say is we should be laughing the whole time!
How about bowling using pizzas? If they're still frozen, they might knock down a pin or two.
Or,we could cut the pizza into slices and use them to play darts.
If you're going to throw pizza, throw it at me.
I'm all for trying to get bumper bowling for us too :)
Check those calendars and email me your choice of dates!!
Logjam and Avenging Angel, you guys said you wanted to come out and play, you need to get in on this one!
I doubt that I will be in WI....I have some folks coming for Thanksgiving and for Christmas and between.....have fun...and, trust me, you wouldn't want me to bowl...last time I tried I almost wiped out a complete men's softball team....soooorrry.
Darts? Someone say darts? Cool.. Came in fifth place in a city championship back in the 8o's.Haven't played in a long time.Now if I only could find them...
On the other hand-I'm the gutterball champion in bowling.
Nov 22nd is fine with me...that’s the day JFK was shot.
We could have a water balloon fight on Monument Square, and we could invite the Major!
ok Drew, now I'm intimidated :)~
I have only shot darts a handful of time in my life and that was back in the mid 80's when we were dating... and I wasn't any good then, but at least I can laugh at myself and my horrible aim, try not to show off too much :)~
The 22nd sounds good.
I like SER's idea. If it's too cold for a water balloon fight, we can make it a snowball fight.
Also, the JTI should have a presence on Monument Square this holiday season. If there's going to be another nativity scene and the atheists are going to erect something, then we should put up a Festivus Pole. Maybe one that lights up at night and shoots fireworks out of the top. And blares obnoxious, teeth-grating Christmas jingles all day long.
I have a cd with obnoxious christmas songs/ditties. We have the music covered. Festivus for the rest-of-us! Orbs, time to bulk up for the feats of strength!
Oh, I forgot about the feats of strength. I'm going to do some heavy lifting in preparation: lifting a lot of heavy, holiday food to my mouth.
PLEASE watch your emails, a little irregularity has happened and I need a little more input from you guys. If for any reason you did not get the email, please let me know and I'll fire out another,
I was asked by one of our gang if we want to do adult only or if kids are ok with everybody. I will let you guys decide, as always, popular opinion prevails, I just count the votes :)
Orbs, What about the airing of grievences?
Can we do that with a bullhorn on Monument Square?
AA, that was my favorite part of festivus, but please don't egg orbs on. To the contrary, he has no problem with the airing of grievances.
Hey, I've been a good boy lately. Just a mild swipe at the Weather Service. I want to make Santa's list.
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