Saturday, October 4, 2008

McCain's awesum confidence in Palin

McCain/Palin, trust, respect, and openess. It was pretty amusing to read that Palin found out about McCain's departure from Michigan via the news the day after it happened. In this one brief stroke of "working together," McCain managed to show the world how much he really respects his running mate's opinion. If they make it to the White House, I can't help but wonder how often she will hear his plans via the news. I mean if McCain himself doesn't respect her opinion, why would anyone else?


kkdither said...

Even though I don't care for her much, it has to be unsettling to be placed in the position where you are expected to know things, but are not informed. McCain really dropped the ball on that one. You can visibly see the strain this campaign is taking on her physically.

Her credibility is already being challenged. In my opinion, rightfully so. Her winking to the camera just about did me in during the debate. Also her vague references to being a soccer mom, PTA member and a "maverick" doesn't cut it either. She couldn't or refused to answer most of the questions with a straight answer.

We need someone who can be trusted to deal with the "big boys" concerning nuclear weapons, inflation/recession, foreign policy, healthcare and other major issues. Hillary could have done it, but I really don't believe Palin can.

AvengingAngel said...

I don't think Hillary could do it, Obama can't do it either. They keep saying that McCain is Bush 3, but Obama is Carter 2. Get ready for double digit inflation, terrorists run amok, and gas prices that will make you yearn for a return to $4.50 a gallon.

One thing is certain, no matter who wins, as long as the current congress is led by Pelosi and Reid, we're screwed.

Huck Finn said...

AA you think it's just congress? Wow, that is way to simplistic. The cards are dealt. NO matter who gets the wand, this country is doomed. The next president has his entire first year's budget already made. Bush signed it into law.

The financial trouble will all be inherited aand the blame will be also. No matter who wins. I just don't want a rabid menopausal creationist anywhere near the nuke button, thank you.

kkdither said...

Watch it huck... there may be rabid menopausal women in your midst! :>

I agree, it will take a looong time for anyone to undo the last 8 years. We are deeper in debt do-do than ever before. I don't hold high hopes. I personally hold NO hope for the McCain/Palin ticket.

AvengingAngel said...

Huck, I think congress is the opposite of progress. It's not just them, but they are the major factor in all of this mess.

Remember your Macbeth? The three witches' brew had numerous ingredients.

"For a charm of powerful trouble, like a hell-broth boil and bubble.
Double, Double, toil and trouble, Fire, Burn and caldron bubble."

Pelosi, Reid, and Barney Frank are stirring the pot, and no matter what, woe is us.