Wednesday, October 15, 2008

On the Shoulders of Giants

I just downloaded and listened to a new song from the Chromatics called On the Shoulders of Giants. It is a very good acapella song commissioned for the Johannes Kepler Project for the International Year of Astronomy. The song echoes the sentiment that we managed to get where we are today by standing on the shoulders of giants, all those people like Galileo, Newton, Kepler, etc. who did a lot of the early work in their fields.

I have been a longtime fan of the Chromatics and have their Astrocapella CD, a CD of acapella astronomy songs. The Chromatics are composed of a lot of people who work at the Goddard Space Flight Center, so the songs have good science content in addition to being catchy. I finally had the pleasure of meeting one of their songwriters, Padi Boyd, at a meeting last summer.

The International Year of Astronomy is coming quick…I will be blogging more on it and the exciting plans that are coming together!

Reprinted with permission from the Half-Astrophysicist Blog.


  1. While the universe is vast, your scope of reality seems to be focused. hahaha... We still love ya hale! ;>

  2. Thanks for the post about "Shoulders of Giants". As one of the Chromatics (and originally from Racine!), I'd like to say that we're very excited about the International Year of Astronomy and we are looking forward to bringing the wonders of the night skies to as many people as possible.

  3. Welcome, Karen. Glad you found us! I work on the Galileoscope project for IYA...hope to meet you sometime...maybe at AAS in January.
