Whats a Yoggi Berra-ism? You've seen that insurance commercial with the duck when Yogi is in the barber's chair and he says "And they give you cash, which is just as good as money."
If you heard any others, or have some of your own, here's the place to share them. Here's a couple to start:
"Things will get better if they don't get worse first."
"If you're going to count your chickens before they hatch, you'd better count the eggs too."
An yours is......
When I was teaching physics, I would have students in lab who couldn't get something to work and I would ask them what they did. They usually had no idea and couldn't describe what they were doing.
ReplyDeleteI would pull out my old Yogi Berra-ism, "You can observe a lot by looking!"
I don't know any Yogi Berra-isms personally, but I Googled it and found myself laughing out loud:
ReplyDeleteYou ask Yogi what time it is and he'll say, "you mean now?" There's a very exacting principle to Yogi. Yogi recently said, "no one goes to that restaurant anymore. It's too crowded." Gil McDougald told me a true story about Yogi. Gil ran up to Yogi in batting practice right before the game and asked Yogi, "Did you hear the news?" Yogi said, "what?" Gil said, "In Dublin, Ireland today, Yogi, they elected a Jewish Mayor." Yogi, looked up and said, "Only in America."
"Half this game is ninety percent mental." --Philadelphia Phillies manager, Danny OzarkGet
I don't know if this is more of logical thinking than a Berra-ism. When my mother was teaching elementary school, they had just finished a phy-ed class in a multipurpose room. At that time, kids took off their shoes so they would mar the floor. When she saw one of her students searching around a pile of shoe, in an effort to help, she asked "How big is the shoe?" The kid replied, "As big as my foot."