They've been adding chemicals to the fountain's water for health reasons. Turns out that those chemicals are messing up the works.
And they're talking about putting a chain link fence around the fountain to keep kids out of it next year.
A chain link fence? Do they mean specifically around the center where the water shoots up, or around the entire memorial? Either way, I think it will be ugly and/or defeat the purpose of the memorial. It would be better with the fountain off, or on very low volume.
Seeing the delight on the faces of kids as they ran through the fountain has been one of my favorite parts of summer. I understand why, but it's too bad that something as simple and spontaneous and innocent and joyful as that cannot be allowed to continue.
Update - thanks to fungi, I stand corrected on the chain link fence issue. This is the type of fence they are talking about when they say "chain fence:"
that's just sad! I thought part of the object of the fountain was for the kids, now they're saying it wasn't meant to be fully enjoyed? It's like putting a fence around a candy store!
It is my understanding that the initial intent was that... just to be a work of art.
Somewhere I heard or read that JWax office people called the head office, complaining that the "common folk" were splashing around. Sam, himself, declared there was nothing better that could have happened... a gift to the city.
There are water parks all over the place. They handle dealing with chemicals and "health reasons." That is a lame excuse.
I too take great delight to see the children enjoying themselves with free entertainment.
Come on JWax.... Sam would roll over in his grave if you chain link fenced this spectacular thing that has transpired downtown.
Nothing like running through the fountain in the middle of a hot summer run.
Now if the bus pulled up and we all got off and ran through it, yeah, that would be a reason to put a fence around it (especially if there was a triple dog dare ya to do it naked).
Dang! Now,I've got no place to play this summer:(
But seriously,folks-that's insane!My ex-wife's best friend brings her kids there all time. My son has played in there.The kids have a blast there.
I'm not buying their chemical excuse. If they want to chain link art,they might as well put a fence around the tower in the Monument Square. People climb on that.
I think it sucks, there are not tooo many places to take your kids and hang out that are fun, and FREE!!!! Maybe the city should think about putting a fountain down by the OASIS at the beach.... just a thought............
they said chain fence (like the one along the launch basin in festival park) not chain link. i think it's a stupid idea either way, unless they put the fence between the street and the fountain to keep the kids and the cars apart. i've seen some close calls where kids don't pay attention while playing and they wind up in the street.
Just another reason our taxes are so high, we have people in city positions who can think about tomorrow much less then 10 years out.
Just build it and throw money at it in a couple more years! It is pure stupidity on their part; tear it out and put a huge 10-foot toilet in it place! NON FUCTIONAL OF COURSE!
Sorry kids........
I hope in the future you young kids have people that are more intelligent in city positions then we have today!
now hizzoner wants to build two new ones for the kiddies. they'll only cost 400,000 plus 15,000 per year for staffing.
Seeing Laurel Clark was an astronaut, where is our grant writer to get Racine some dollars to fix this asinine situation!
Why don’t we block off Main Street once a week and open all the fire hydrants for the kid to play under? OH not enough chemicals in it....sorry, I lost my head for a moment.
Come on Big B...about time you start thinking outside the box
I like the fire hydrant idea.
Why not just set up some sprinklers on hot days?
Didn't I also read in one of the articles that an attendant would be required for any kind of fountain/park?
Racine Post articles on the fountain controversy:
And finally, does anyone really expect a chain fence (as pictured in the main blog) to keep people out of the fountain if they want to get in? They're going to need a guard/attendant just to keep an eye on things.
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