Monday, November 17, 2008


Hale-bopp's blog (below) made me think of Maukie, the virtual cat. Move your mouse cursor over Maukie to play with him. According to the website, you can get one for your desktop, but I've never tried.


  1. Strangely enough, the celebrity cat is also black and white!

  2. I think I gave the poor little guy whiplash playing with him. He eventually swatted me with his paw!

  3. Here is a fun goldfish in a bowl. Try to get him to jump out of the water! Virtual Goldfish

    I also found a site for virtual pet sheep called virtuwool. The internet is full of crap to waste your time, that is for sure! I haven't tried this one, so I can't recommend that you sign up... I just liked the name.

  4. My cats are attracted to the sounds of Maukie. One is in my lap purring away. Another is on back of my chair trying to groom my hair. And the little one is at my feet giving me love bites on my ankles. My dog is also trying to get attention by sticking her head under my arm. I feel loved.... Either that or they're hungry.
