Friday, November 14, 2008

A snake, just for SER!

Look what was found next to the house today??? Only good one is a dead one!


  1. SER, I dare you to click on the picture...double dare.

  2. was dead when we found it before that Bigfoot guy accuses me of murdering the wildlife! (I posted it on the JT site too...only there I posted three pictures).

    Now Drew, what would you do with it, if it were still kicking about??? Me, I'd run!

  3. Is that carpeting? When I saw the big picture and what appears to be a hole in the snake's head above/behind the eye, I thought maybe you croaked it, Beejay. Guess not. You need a mongoose.

  4. Beejay-I think snakes are cool. In fact,I think all wildlife and animals facinate me.

    I remember seeing a rattlesnake at the Badlands (South Dakota). It was just lying there sunning itself on a nature trail. Looked at for a few seconds and walked back the other direction.(I wasn't going to mess with it).

    Another time,I caught a garter snake at the gun club in Sturtevant.

    To answer your question-I'm aware there are venomous snakes in Florida. You've got cottenmouths,coral snakes,and copperheads. In your case,that was a Florida Brown Snake on your hands. They are harmless. I'd would watch it go about it's business.

  5. A few years ago I had the family on vaction in Belize. We did an overnight in the jungle. On the way to the camp, the guide was quick to point out the wild life we encountered.....including the King Coral Snake that was about 2 feet from my foot.

  6. I have only seen one coral snake down here...dead in the middle of the road...My husband and I decided it had been plucked from its normal habitat next to the pond by an oprey or hawk and dropped...sort of wild how it all works out.

    No, Orbs, not me...I run the other direction...some predator from the wild got it. eeeek.

  7. Drew, so darn things are always in a strike mode...hate them, but yet to kill one. I am so proud of myself for getting the darn thing out of my lanai, but, no, I did not murder it...although, that did cross my mind.

  8. Damn Beejay, you know i hate then things...........

  9. It was dead, SER...not that it made it any nicer for me to look at. But then all you brave men, remember, I managed to get one off my lanai all by my I screamed a bit (okay, maybe a lot!)...

  10. Orbs.........I may take my hoe after you! "I wanted to get it OUT of my lanai." Off the premises....gone. Removed from my sight.

  11. And Orbs, no it isn't on's a stepping stone....I posted a couple others of it on the JT site.

  12. Oh my goodness BJ, I had the craziest dream last night.. I dreamt that you had a gathering at your house and everyone was there. Outside was a bunch of different kinds of snakes. You kept killing them (to which many were grateful) but it was like nothing. After you had killed a good 3-4 snakes you just went inside your house and started to make home made pizza..

  13. Believe me, if there were that many snakes around, I'd be outa here so fast, it would make your head spin. I see them occasionally, but mostly the ring necked guys...they are little and when they see you. That's my kind of snake!

    And what kind of pizza was I making???? Oh-oh.

  14. oh geez, I didnt notice what kinda pizza it was, but from the carnage that was going on I certainly hope I didnt have any of that pizza... I think that was about the time my daughter came and woke me up at 3:45 a.m.
