Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Voting machine problems reported on East Coast, in Midwest


They predicted this, too.

How is it that we put a rover on Mars that takes commands from 120,000,000 miles away, but we cannot invent a machine that reliably and effectively counts votes?

I might have a pocket calculator that I can lend to election officials.


OrbsCorbs said...

Oh, I forgot, all those space exploits are staged and filmed in the Arizona desert (where hale-bopp lives).

Maybe the election is staged there, too.

happy hippy chick said...

wonder if they are the same voting machines that elected Bush to presidency... not once but twice.. GOD I hope not!!!!

kkdither said...

Didn't hale say he was in theatre? Thought that alien looked familiar.....

Lizardmom said...

my daughter is now a registered voter and voted for the 1st time, we were in and out FAST, no lines, no waiting, it was awesome!

OrbsCorbs said...

Fast for me, too. I commented on it in the blog above.

Something should be done about our system of voting. We have machines that perform thousands of pinpoint spot welds, and machines that assist doctors perform the most delicate surgery, and they say that the average wristwatch today contains more computing power than the first capsule that went to the moon, BUT we still can't produce machines that count votes. Somebody, somehow, somewhere is getting rich off of this.

AvengingAngel said...

Barely any reporting of intimidation events, most notably in Philadelphia, where billy club weilding thugs were allowed to stand out in front of polling places.

How about we just have a show of hands?