Saturday, December 6, 2008


Even girls can beat me.



  1. Just barely have a lead on ya orbsie... By the time I kind of figured it out, all the good guys were taken.

    I really want to thank the commish for talking me into it and allowing a female, sports non-follower into "the boys club." I had a lot of fun. Can we do it again next year, can we, can we, huh?

  2. I think most of my players were at dogfights or shooting themselves in the leg.

  3. I throughly enjoyed playing the IFL. I had never played this before(I swear). I'm in the playoffs going against the Raging Holsteins. My goal is to have an Irregular come out on top as a winner. So c'mon Stu and SER,we can do it!

    BTW,can we do this again next year?
