1st the eyes went thanks to many years on high dose prednisone.
Double cataract surgery by age 36.
Eyes go bonkers again, under care of Froedtert and
wear a contact besides my glasses...
OK, I can see, this isn't so bad.
Then I got the boot. Remember the boot?
Heel spur surgery in October. That's all better now :)
Today, I got a new foot brace, for the OTHER foot...
I am part of a 10% 'elite' group of oddballs that have
a spare, small bone in the side of my foot.
I made mine mad and it's causing the tendon to be really ticked off.
I'm hobbling again. My asthma, thanks to the cold, is bad again...
and my mind is turning to mush with the early hours I get up...
Calgon take me away!!
(or at least somebody shoot me with a strong
tranquilizer dart and wake me in the spring!!)
Here is a new kind of open blog,
vent, whine, do whatever it takes
to make yourself feel better to end the week well!!
(I know, unconventional way to get ready for the weekend -
quite IRREGULAR I do believe!!)
Don't get me started........
Hope you are feeling better soon!
Better living through chemistry...just don’t eat the brown acid!!!
Hey, many years ago I thought of tape worms. Just have a few and when you get down to your correct weight, take a medicine to expel them. Why not?
How weird. My truck suddenly broke down a few hours ago and I was upset about it. The mechanic can't get to it until Tuesday. That's at least 5 days without wheels. Dang!
Then I read Lizardmom's blog and thought about her health battles.
Then I read the comments and recalled DogAddicts' accident.
Then I thought that maybe I don't have it so bad.
I hope you're both feeling better soon. At least we still have the internet. (Knocks on wood.)
And then I read Anonymous' comment on tapeworms. That's my kind of thinking.
I could fill up a blog myself with the S#!T that has been going on in my life too. I won't though.
I'm healed and healthy again. I have great kids... and wonderful friends that support me. I have to look on the bright side. At least I don't have tapeworms... gross!
Feel better Liz!
Geeez,just when I start feeling better...Somebody else gets sick. Hope you're feeling better soon,Liz.
Orbs-need a ride?
I slipped on the ice on my driveway yesterday and fell flat on my ass. How I didn't break something is a mystery.
Liz, there's got to be a joke somewhere about having an extra bone; I just can't think of it right now. lol
I have a part time job so that helps, am making all payments so far, am half way healthy, 69 years old, have a nice small warm apartment, son #1 doing good on his cow farm, son#2 is not in jail, son #3 has job and nice girlfriend. How good can it get. My only downfall is sometimes I get lonesome so I just talk to my cat and kiss her. Merry Christmas to all and Peace and Love
DA, how are you guys doing?
Orbs, if the internet or our connection would end, that would be the beginning of the end! That is about the only 'glue' that holds me together sometimes!!
AA, with those wings you couldn't keep yourself up? :) I'll be waiting for that joke to come to you!
Now that I think about it, Liz, I guess I qualified as a Fallen Angel, albeit just for a minute.
**Warning** Dirty Joke on following line
Why was the girl glad she had an extra bone in her foot?
Because it made it easy to hook behind her ear.
Pardon me while I go spend an hour in Purgatory.
Tee hee, AA. Purgatory? You are letting your Catholic show through! I remember that "good" Catholic girls were always the wildest!
I fell on my ass on the driveway too. Then the truck got stuck in the indentation.
AA, somehow it didn't seem appropriate to ask an angel how the butt is doing.... Logjam, hope yours will be ok too :)
Luckily I've been able to stay upright, tho not so much luck for 2 girls from work, one fell 2 days ago, broke her ankle in 2 places AND dislocated it. The other fell yesterday and sprained her knee... seems to be catchy, and I don't want it!
I lead a somewhat sheltered existance, I don't get the joke, AA, but I'll laugh if it will make you feel better :)~ If I spontaneously start giggling for no reason, I'll just say it must have been something an angel said...
Can we talk?
Hey, Anonymous, thanks for the Christmas wishes. Same to you!
I almost fell on the ice today, too. Be careful everyone.
The truck is still down. I can't figure it out. Thanks for the ride offer, Drew. Someday I may take you up on it. I rented a car for three days on a special weekend rate. I do a lot of stuff for my mom, so the wheels are almost a necessity.
Lizardmom, yes, talk to Mary.
I spent $4000 to have lasik surgery a couple months ago, only to have such bad glare from lights that I now need to wear special glasses so I can be in the same room as the Christmas tree:-( And driving at night is really hard, unless I'm the only car on the road and there's no street lights to blind me, boo. I can't even begin to imagine how crazy hard it would be to be in one of these "Candy Cane Lane" neighborhoods, prolly have a seizure or something, lol!
And the worst? The computer screen is too bright and hard to look at, waaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh! I wrecked my eyeballs!
Cyndi, that's terrible!
I had thought about getting lasik, but chickened out after reading a few horror stories like yours. This was when it first became available. Was hoping things would have been improved by now.
I'm so sorry. Anything that can be done for it?
OMG, cyndi... That is terrible. I'm so sorry. Will it improve with time maybe? You can turn down the brightness of your monitor and adjust the contrast. That may help in one small way.
I hate to drive at night. esp if it is raining. I have trouble with glare and lights too. They say fair skinned people with blond hair and blue eyes are the worst for light sensitivity and future cataracts. I can get a migraine from too bright of lights.
of course, Mary!!! check your email :)
Thanks, guys:-) I think it'll get better, otherwise I'd be freaking out by now... they're making me a pair of glasses to help with the glare which I'm hoping I'll need only temporarily. The optometrist said that he's made them for all sorts of people which is funny, since no one told me this would be a likely side effect (one friend and his wife who really encouraged me to get the surgery said afterwards "oh yeah, we have that. You just get used to it eventually". Say whaaattttt? Would have been nice to know that BEFORE I got my eyeballs fried, guy!
I'm kindof a wreck this time of year anyway; LM, you and me will have to plunk our beat up selves in the corner and rest until spring comes, what cha think? All the rest of ya'll are welcome to join us, prolly have plenty of cake and turkey to go round to keep us till the snow melts, at least;-)
The fact that you don't get that joke is probably the funniest things I've read all year. Thanks!
Oh AA, you really need to get to our next get-together, did you ever put it on your calendar?? I'm sure I'll have you rolling if your wings don't stop you :)
Liz, Isn't there one scheduled? E-mail me at AvengingAngel@wi.rr.com, thanks.
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