"Zaidi shouted 'this is a goodbye kiss from the Iraqi people, dog,' at Bush in a news conference he held with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki during a farewell visit to Baghdad on Sunday.
"The journalist then flung one shoe at Bush, forcing him to duck, followed by another, which sailed over Bush's head and slammed into the wall behind him. Throwing shoes at someone is the worst possible insult in the Arab world.
"Zaidi was dragged struggling and screaming from the room by security guards and could be heard shouting outside while the news conference continued after momentary mayhem."
Wtf? Where was the Secret Service while the president was ducking shoes? Maybe our troops there should be shooting shoes at the enemy instead of bullets.
Here's some videos of the incident. Bush is pretty spry.
I can't help but wonder what would have happened to this idiot if he had tried to do this to Saddam.
I get the feeling that he wouldn't have had to worry about his feet anymore.
I thought Bush was pretty fast on his feet to duck both of those missiles!
I agree, Orbs, nice move by the Prez. I also like his comment: "All I can report is that it was a size 10". Too funny.
What would have been funnier is Bush would have caught the shoe in flight, threw it back at him and beaned him with a k.o.
Well, Bush does have a bit of a sense of humor...and he is pretty athletic. Little known fact: he is the first U.S. President to have run a marathon.
All the stuff I hear about this says there is something in the culture about the sole of the shoe being insulting for some reason, so the intent was insult more than injury. Some of the internet rhetoric has been over the top calling for his execution. Here is a good chance for the Iraqi justice system to show it can handle this and give out an appropriate sentence (HINT: Execution is not the appropriate sentence!)
I bet that freaked the Bushman out!
Maybe our military could construct a giant shoe that we could drop on Iraq, kinda like the big foot coming down from the sky in the opening scenes of the old Monty Python TV show.
How about making him work at RJT for a couple of years?
Good thing Bush had many years of practice ducking flying shoes from Laura.
KK, does that relate to some bedroom game? lol Tell me more...lol
HB you're right. Execution isn't the proper punishment and I don't even think Bush would go for that. How about a spanking with one of those flip flop sandals? That does smart....I speak from experience.
Logjam, maybe I should have made clear that the insane remarks I saw were only from anonymous comments made on a couple of stories...I haven't seen anyone of importance (much less Bush) suggest anything that rash (with the exception of AA! That's harsh :) As I said, Bush seemed to take it in stride with a little humor even
HB, You're right. In this Christmas season, I should have never suggested such a severe punishment as being made to work at the RJT. My sincere apologies.
I woulda thought it more funny had the BUSHMAN gotten hit with the shoes!!!!!
No, anon, then it wouldn't have been funny at all.
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