Saturday, January 24, 2009

Add your b-day.....just do it!

I just looked at the calendar for this year and only, KK, Ser, Drew and Abby have their birthdays on it. Could everyone take a second and add your birthday to our calendar? You go to the bottom of our page click the month you want then the day and add your birthday to it. It's easy and we all need to know about these big events so we can all pick on you for being older. Don't deny us the small pleasures! Thanks all.............


  1. Hale can't hide, he posted his... including the year on his sunspot blog. April fools!

  2. Awsome I see homemomof2 and Beejay where added.............Thanks ladies! I know Hucks bday has passed but he could still add his so we know next year!

  3. I will obey...someone take this spell off me!

  4. LOL Beejay...You didn't know how powerful MME-Zoltar was did you!...Lets see what else she'll do while under.........OK Beejay kiss a snake!

  5. Abby, your birthday is the same as my sister's, and a week before mine. I know a lot of people born in July, now including homemom. I think the cold weather in October makes people more frisky in bed.

  6. That damn snake tried to stick its tongue in my mouth. Please help me, Mdm Zoltar..remove your spell. Oh dear, here comes another snake!

  7. No birthday for me - I am timeless.

    Beejay, my spell was meant only to affect your vote. However, voting involves politics and politicians, so I guess it's only natural that snakes somehow got mixed up in there.

  8. Orbs I think you're right, people settle in for a long winters nap but not before getting HOT to TROTT. I too have alot of family b-days in July!!! Beejay..........LMAO.......did you leave the wine out and the snake drank some? Frisky drunk snakes........HAHAHAHA.Stomach hurts now....

  9. My Birthday sucks and my sister's is even worse. Imagine having a birthday on the 26th of December. "Oh, we gave you a bigger present because Xmas and BD is so close."

    Abby, Bad girl, bad! Although this isn't necessarily a bad thing....

  10. Huck,my son's best friend was born on born that day.

  11. Oh Huck, you're not alone!
    My great uncles birthday WAS Christmas Day, my grandma's was the 26th, hubby is the 27th, I'm the 28th, my sister is the 31st followed by 2nd sister Jan. 22... his dad and sister Dec 8th and 9th.. it's a very busy month!

  12. WOW LIZ you got my family beat. My sister just had her baby boy Christmas Day 2008. My son is Jan 4th,Cuz is the Jan 8th and mom is this sunday the 25th.................. By the by HUCK being a bad girl is what I'm good at! I just dyed the hair too.I like my brown hair but put blond on top Like a sun kiss. So I got the best of both worlds.

  13. M. Zoltar, for whom should I vote??? Tell me now...please, please remove this spell. I am going out alone tonight (this is weird for me), so I need this spell gone, gone, gone! Oh, those damn snakes are following me around the house now.

  14. Lord have mercy. I first thought of Sun kissed kitten, then I have no idea why, but the name "Sun Kissed Tuna" leapt out at me.... Oh that's right, that's Star Kissed. Never mind. Time to go find those smoked oysters, I'm hungry.

  15. Oh Huck you're the bad one!!!!!!! HeeHee..........Just an FYI.I bought a steam cleaner so the carpet stays clean!

  16. I'm lost... should I be saying, "ouch?"

  17. You guys are great, good job all and thanks! One question who are the twins in January?

  18. Never mind I see who they are now..

  19. I added more twins in March. I think greedy drew wants two presents in June?

  20. *whistles away*

    It's a glitch that I that made while posting it.Ooops!
