I apologize again for missing the Christmas Party. I was very busy with a wealthy client who was very generous in his desire for me to stay with him and read the bumps on his head. It was well worth it, ka-ching.
Which brings me to the subject of this week’s blog. I, Madame Zoltar, am not immune to the influences of the current economic crisis. Many of my clients can no longer afford my services. Those that can, usually purchase less these days. It is beginning to become a bit tight around here.
I notice that my brethren in Korea are also feeling the pinch: http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/nation/2008/12/117_36753.html. And here’s a site that says the average fortune teller salary is only $23,000: http://www.simplyhired.com/a/salary/search/q-Fortune+Teller. Who can live on that?
So, I have been forced to consider alternate sources of income, and I would appreciate everyone’s suggestions and ideas. One of the things that I have thought about is online fortune telling, psychic readings, etc. This is a site, http://www.liveperson.com/experts/spirituality-religion/psychic-reading/, that offers psychic readings at minute or email rates. Emails can cost over $100 each. Here’s a psychic who specializes in reuniting lovers that is “$18.80 per minute ($1128/hour),” including a currency converter:
Here’s a job on craigslist in Providence, RI: http://providence.craigslist.org/med/967187156.html. It doesn’t sound very promising, though, and they welcome amateurs. I hate scabs.
I am also considering relocating, if necessary, to secure my financial future. The Wisconsin Lottery saw revenue decline with the economic crisis while other states’ lotteries posted increases. Similarly, while I am beginning to eat the putty out of my windows in sub arctic southeast Wisconsin, psychics in Virginia prosper: http://www.wjla.com/news/stories/1208/580561_video.html.
Thus, my friends, I ask for your advice on how to supplement my income in these recessionary times. Please note that I will consider manual labor as a last resort only; i.e., after I am dead. Post your suggestions below or send them to me, along with your comments and questions, to: madamezoltar@jtirregulars.com. I look forward to your responses.
Guadalajara, my precious peanuts.
There are those commercials where you can send in your old mismatched jewelry and they send you cash! Some claim to have taken lavish vacations with "all the money" that was sent back to them.
ReplyDeleteOh my, I could never give up the weding ring that Emile gave me - he stole it from a wealthy widow just for me.
ReplyDeleteI think you should start doing infomercials. You could sell hexes....or costume jewelry.
ReplyDeleteHet Madame, how did you ever miss this Becker thing?
ReplyDeleteAA, I was just going to mention that to Mdm Zoltar...glad you did...her spells are really nasty....
ReplyDeletePardon most revered Madam, but pay is commiserate with ability. You completely failed to get the scoop on Mr. Becker and he has had that ol red flag a-waving furiously.
ReplyDeleteYou maybe fun, you maybe witty. Heck, you might even be a most desirable MILF, but if you can't put out the laundry, you should just accept you're a 23k a year gal. Besides, we'd miss you if you went away.
I knew all about that slime ball, but I'm not entirely stupid. He was paying me a couple of clams a week to keep it quiet. As soon as I divined that he had been busted, I posted this blog about my dire economic straits. That $200 paid Junior's grocery bill.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, what does the mayor's job pay?
Zoltar for mayor!!! Heck, it can't get ANY worse, only more amusing! We could all use a smile here and there. With Zoltar, you know what you're getting. No surprises.... Well, maybe a few! ;>
ReplyDeleteWho knows where she could land at a council meeting! She and Orbs running for the same office...and they were just mending fences. Dear me.