Sunday, January 25, 2009

Going Green at the Grocery Store

Yep, I am going to risk getting a little environmental on you here. I just got back from my weekly grocery run and made the switch to canvas bags last summer. I am finally to the point where I remember them on a regular basis rather than running back to my car halfway through shopping.

I am sure we all know the benefits...fewer plastic bags (which take oil to make) less waste, etc. If you are not convinced, let me appeal to your inner lazy American: canvas bags hold more and with the nice handles, they are so much easier to carry! So not only are plastic bags wasteful, they are also more work...that just doesn't make sense.

I didn't even half to pay for my bags. I just took all the bags I have received at different meetings and conventions I attended and started using them. I frequently get comments from the baggers about where I have been and what I obviously do for a living!

Some stores give a small discount if you bring your own bags.

I know it will be difficult to totally eliminate the plastic bag...I still get some occasionally (especially when traveling). I probably have reduced my usage of them by close to 90%. Now we just have to all do that and we will take one of many small steps necessary to attain a sustainable lifestyle.

Reprinted with permission from the Half-Astrophysicsit Blog.


  1. I use the plastic bags for picking up after my dog. Can't do that with canvas!

  2. After having camped out in national parks,gone on canoe,and went on bike rides,I've become a bit of an environmentalist. Nothing appalls me more than seeing garbage on a nature trail.

    I try to recycle when I can. I take in my aluminum cans and recycle my plastics. Canvas bags are not a bad idea. I'll give it a try.

  3. I've noticed that Piggly-Wiggly has some canvas bags for sale. I think they're canvas. I never really looked. They're green and have the Pig logo on them.

  4. I try to remember them.. I notice when I get half way to the store that they are still hanging on the hat rack (a place I hang them so I remember to take them with me... yeah right). By that time I'm too lazy to walk home to get them. But when I do remember them I'm very glad I did. They are very comfortable to carry and you dont have to worry about them breaking half way home (we walk everywhere as I dont have a drivers license or a car here in Sweden)

    I would definitely recommend them, just gotta remember them.

  5. I keep thinking about buying the canvas bags at Pick 'n Save, but I hae not yet. I think I will now, thanks for that extra "push".
