Saturday, January 31, 2009

Help Point Hubble

Few people get the chance to point the Hubble Space Telescope at the target of the choice and snap a pretty picture. Competition for time is very competitive and many who apply end up disappointed.

But Hubble is giving people a chance to vote on what they want it to point at this spring. The even is part of the International Year of Astronomy. There are six choice. One is a star forming region, two are planetary nebula (dying stars, much like our Sun will look in 5 or 6 billion years), a spiral galaxy, an edge on galaxy, and a pair of interacting galaxies.

You must vote by March 1st and the object will be imaged and the image released during the 100 Hours of Astronomy in early April.

I know which one I want to see imaged and will vote early and often (hey, I was born in Chicago!)

Reprinted with permission from the Half-Astrophysicist Blog.


  1. I haven't the faintest idea of where to point it, but I do have a question: if you look through the wrong end of the Hubble telescope, does everything look really, really tiny?

  2. I voted! But it said my email address was invalid. :(

  3. No orbs, your eye just looks HUGE!

    I voted. I hope to see the star forming region. Heck, we are close enough to Chicago to pick up a few bad habits. I already coast through most stop signs... :>

  4. I will vote and vote and vote...

  5. okayyyyyy says my other email is invalid too. Someone is going to have to let me know which one wins.. and .. did my vote count?

  6. orbs, just choose the one you want to see in Hubble Telescope Technicolor...all votes are valid.

    Don't know why it won't take your vote, DA. Hope you get through.
