Tuesday, January 27, 2009

"Pansy" is a Censored Word at the Journal Times


1. large-flowered garden plant derived chiefly from the wild pansy of Europe and having velvety petals of various colors
2. a timid man or boy considered childish or unassertive [syn: sissy]
3. offensive term for an openly homosexual man

If you use it on the Journal Times' site, you will get ##### in your post.
Lol, wtf? I used to plant pansies every spring.


  1. C'mon, Orbs, stop being a Viola tricolor hortensis.

  2. Quit being such a pansy crybaby orbs... The mighty BOB has spoken. ;>

  3. You gotta be shittin' me! It looks like the JT is taking on the role of the 3rd grade playground monitor. Hey Orbs, maybe we should go over there and post the seven Georged Carlin words you can't say on radio!

  4. I know, I know - I, of all people, should not be surprised by their arbitrary and ever-changing rules. I guess I've grown accustomed to posting freely and was just caught off guard by their word censor.

    Still, "pansy"? Come on . . .

  5. Ya think they might pittel all over themselves if I used the word whiner?

    Spelling Note

    whine or wine? Do not confuse the spelling of whine and wine, which sound similar. Whine is a noun and verb referring to a long plaintive high-pitched sound or a peevish complaint, as in the whine of the engines, customers whining about poor service. Wine is a noun denoting an alcoholic drink made from grapes or other fruit; it is occasionally used as a verb in the phrase wine and dine

  6. I never whine when I have wine....SER pittle?HAHAHA.....JT is getting petty in their old age.I don't even bother to go on there any more.

  7. Here's how it would look posting the 7 Carlin words over at the JT site:
    1) #####
    2) #####
    3) #####
    4) #####
    5) #####
    6) #####
    7) #####

  8. So if you used the word "asset" in a blog over there would it come out looking like "###et"?

  9. This is almost as good as the Christian news site that renamed Tyson Gay to Tyson Homosexual. I wonder if I would be allowed to call Scrooge niggardly?

  10. The English language is funny. Is a corset scratchy?

    Whenever I read stuff like this blog, I am sooooooo, so happy to be here and post whatever the frick I wish. ;)

  11. I remember that Hale. Sometimes I think censorship gets out of hand.

  12. kk, THE correct term is "Frack" from Battlestar Gallactica fame. My son thinks it's cool to drop that one,except when mom or dad are within earshot.
