Sunday, January 4, 2009

Proof that the Detroit school system works!

This is an actual picture of a Burger King in Detroit .


  1. No friggin way!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That's so wrong.

  2. Literacy in America... Thank goodness for employers who are willing, or have no choice but to hire.

  3. That is awesome. I had to read it twice to understand it because the english was so bad. Yikes. Glad my kids don't go to school in Detroit :)

  4. Reminds me of this site my dad sent to me.. give it a try.. I'm ashamed to say I only got 13 right..

    oh and sorry I dont know how to do html to put in a link put you can copy and paste..

  5. I took your quiz why not? I am also ashamed of my results...and I thought I was doing well on the quiz. I guess I should ask that you don't double check the spelling on my posts? Thanks for knocking me back a peg or two, or three! :s

  6. well if thats not what friends are for I just dont know then..

  7. They were probably out of "meet" because they also couldn't do math.

    Anybody ever see the (good premise, bad execution) movie titled "Idiocracy"? I have the feeling that's where we're headed.

  8. I also took Why Not?'s spelling test. I admit I'm ashamed at myself. To think I was a good speller.(lousy typer though) I know that I have misspelled words in past.I'll just have to keep a better eye on myself before I hit publish.

  9. I didn't do too bad...... only 6 wrong. But they were tricky!

  10. Mr. bigshot English major got 8 wrong.
