Thursday, January 1, 2009

Young Astronomer's Video Contest Winners From Racine

I had to blog this...the Young Astronomer's Video Contest had a winning entry from Racine this year. Students at the Prairie School won for making a short video answering the question, "What is a Black Hole?" The contest was sponsored by Astronomy Magazine, the National Earth Science Teacher's Association and telescope maker Celestron.

Actually, the Prairie School took the top five spots. You can view all their videos here. All the videos are short (less than three minutes) and the last one ends with a fun little poke at all the 2012 end of the world nutjobs.

Congrats to Prairie on a clean sweep!


  1. Way to go Prairie... way to represent! Very cute on the black holes.

  2. Creative young minds...The videos sure made me smile!

  3. Great job. And, yes, a few chuckles....
