Monday, February 2, 2009

That rotten Groundhog (fat rat) saw his shadow!

6 more weeks of winter!
Snow's expected tonight!


Beejay said...

I've been telling people how cold it is here ... all day, been whining about it...I just's 69 degrees. What in the world is wrong with me???? All day, I have been saying 'it's in the 50s!' Liar, liar.

Anonymous said...

So the GD rodent saw his shadow! Well duh! How many weeks is it to the spring equinox, thus the start of spring? 6 WEEKS! So if they don't want that thing to see his shadow, how about doing it at night WITH THE LIGHTS OFF!

(In case you don't get the idea, I'm sick of winter). Thanks for reminding us it was 69 degrees by you Beejay.

Anonymous said...

I have a solution to the ground hog seeing its shadow....a Remington 597 .22 LR with a scope. One round autta do it.

drewzepmeister said...

Logjam,I was thinking of the same thing.

kkdither said...

I just got back from pumping gas. The computer says 23 degrees, my thermometer in the back window says 15 and the wind actually hurts! Logjam, I've had enough too!

Beejay better watch it; I'm saving a snowball in my freezer that is going down her back in April... can you say "skunk?" ;>

Anonymous said...

WOW LOG! What can I say? SORRY?

MinnesotaChick said...

Who came up with this stupid idea anyway?

SER said...


a Remington 597 .22 LR with a scope. One round autta do it.

A remington 870 with double 00 buck, one round WILL do it.

That little bastard.....

OrbsCorbs said...

When I did snow removal, I would say, "There snow business like snow business."

Lizardmom said...

but he's so cute!
I don't imagine he's any too thrilled about getting woke up so early either :)

SER said... been getting enough sleep lately?

Why Not? said...

Whens the last time that rodent didnt see his shadow?? I swear every year it get scared and has to run back in it's hole... Cant we try some other animal that maybe isnt as wussy??

OrbsCorbs said...

SER, no, I haven't. Does it show? How would you know?

SER said...

Why got it right, we need to get a Polar bear!!!

SER said...

Orbs, I had to lock my stuff up otherwise you would be reading about me if this damn weather doesn't change for the better.

What do they call it, "cabin fever"?

OrbsCorbs said...

Yes, and the shrinks call it SAD: Seasonal Affective Disorder. They say that exposure to a sunlamp helps some people. It's only early February, so I'm trying not to anticipate spring too much just yet. At the Pig today, they had daffodil "plants" for sale (they refrigerate the bulbs in the dark, and then force them to bloom by exposing them to warmth and light).

Anonymous said...

I got a better idea. Instead of seeing his shadow, make the fat little rat turn around and see if he can see his ass!