After a very quick return back to WI for the nice weekend,
we've managed to pull the skinny-dipping guys
out of the lake and get the limo back on the road. I think
we need to head south via O'Mary's place and pick her up too!!
I've got the wheel til it gets dark, after that, it's up for grabs!
Let's keep going south from CA...maybe pick up Hale and hit Puerto Vallarta! Yes, I want to ... I do, I do!
we could keep going til we hit the end of Mexico, that should be nice and toasty!!
Liz, See the peddle that is in front of your right foot....STOMP ON IT!
I just got back from Huatulco Mexico, 88 every day. 900 miles south of Alcapoco(?) I just may join you guys but I may not come back. I will be an illegal.
Liz,you're driving,right? I can't. I got so many speeding tickets on the last bus trip that I lost my cyberbus licence.
Well I just jumped in and landed on someones hand..........This limo has a fridge in it doesn't it? Is it stocked?
my goodness guys, we haven't even pulled out yet and somebody 'goosed' Abby, don't make me come back there!!!!!!!!!
yes Drew, I'm driving this chariot! :)
I know I put some Pepsi in the fridge, not sure what was brought on with the rest, I was busy playing with all the gadgets and gizmos up here, too cool!!
Welcome aboard, Anonymous!
Wow, power everything. Power windows, power seats, power moon roof (uh-oh), power power. I'll bet this thing gets about 8 miles to the gallon. Good thing gasoline is still cheap (relatively speaking). When we hit some of those long, straight stretches of highway across the west, open it all the way up, Lizardmom, and let's see what this baby will do!
That was my hand, the fridge is stocked, and I brought a Bong. Even though the bong water is iced creme-demint, don't drink it. Lizardmom, you didn't hit a skunk, that's just the way it is...
What's the hold up? You going to drive this buggy or what?
I'm here ... let's go. I can't wit to get somewhere warm.
I will catch you in AZ..I'm flying there to pick up Hale...stop in Tucson to pick us up...we'll be the folks with the telescope!
woo hoooo!!!!! I'm in!
You want me to drive? There's a few small countries in South America we can hit. How about Belize? I wonder if they have cuckoo clocks there too.
AA, I would love to have somebody to share the driving with. My night vision is bad, want to take the night shifts? :)
Don't get your undies in a bundle, we'll leave in 5 minutes, last call, if you are coming with us, you better get here NOW!!!
alright, alright...I'm in
AA wants us to get us kicked out of Belize now, the power lusting mongrel that he is! I'll do some of the driving if it keeps me out of a Mexican prison! ;>
Belize...yes,yes, yes....
Belize....sounds good to me but I heard DON"T go in the water there...biggest shark catching place in the world. Thanks for the goose Huck I'll get you later.........And no thanks on hitting the mint bong! UULLLL........Ser you got the tequila? This dam things got a blender in it!!!!!!Hurray.
Belize!!! Holy shit! Watch what you scratch, it could be a Bot Fly bite.
Hey, the trunk in this thing is huge. It's bigger than my apartment. I'm gonna ride back here.
Hey count me in.. will there be daycare/limocare at all?? Might need someone that is responsible cause I wont be able to be if SER breaks out tequila.
Looks like ORBs just opened up the daycare in the trunk!!!!!!! Where the hell are we? Did we leave yet? I gotta pee! Maybe we should all just wear depends this trip I know how they hate stopping for us!
Hale and I are awaiting your arrival!
Somebody open the moonroof. I'm riding this baby Vegas style! *waves to everybody*
I'm waving, I'm waving...and I'm dancing...oh shit..I had one glass too many of my pinto grigio! Oh dear.
I don't think I'm a good choice for childcare - you don't want a kid minding the kids.
Where are we? I've been down to Texas and Arizona by highway, but never California.
Who's driving? Good thing Beejay isn't here to drive.
Alrite Beejay outta the sunroof I need ta flash someone!!!!!!!!.....Yup too much of Sers tequila!!!!...By the way where IS my drink?...
well guys, now that we have Beejay and Hale, I'm turning around and we're heading back to WI for the nice weather, don't worry, just for the day, we can pick up some kringles and head back out tomorrow!!
Hang on , I'm doing a big, fast U-turn - NOW! weeeeeeee!!!
AHHHHH! where did the lights go?? It's dark wherever I am and I can't see anything....Who's on top of me?? Need...to....breathe...
ooo, this thing has that fancy jet propulsion that the KIT car has, I think we've about 10 minutes from the lake, who's jumping in???
Liz!!! Careful with those turns there!! With all these bodies flying around...
OOOOOKLAAAAHOOOOMA! Hurray! Isn't that where she lives??? Oh dear.
Great now I'm singing the Oklahoma song!!!!!! Common every one join in....... ya all know the words.............Oklahoma where the wind comes whiping down the plains???? Am I just killing this song? HAHAHA.......Stop poking me!
Huck, are you goose-ing Abby again??
I hope Mary calls us on the road to direct us to her!! I thought it was Oklahoma City, but I am not sure what state that is in. Oklahoma seems too obvious, anybody have a clue on this one? MARY, where are YOU????
Oh man... uh... What?
Wow man, where are we? This rig sure rides nice, it feels like we're floating. Has anyone seen my lighter?
Goose, what goose? Abby, stop squirming, you'll upset the champagne.
Oh no not the minty skunk smell again!!!!!!!!
This thing got a hot tub in the back?
I have to be home for Valentines Day and my anniversary after that!!!!!
I soooooooo need a hot tub!
Not a fast ride, is it?
Makes it longer when you have to stop for gas every 20 miles...... :)
Logjam, this limo has everything. You want it, you got it. I think it might even have warp drive.
That would speed it up. :P
Awww, Liz you got the one without the hot tub, but wait anyone got some visquine (thick construction type plastic sheeting) then all we gotta do is convince Orbs to get otta the trunk an we can make one.
Great idea fungi!....gotta love a man with ingenuity and who is good with tools :) First though, we have to chuck all those brightly colored plastic 'orbs' that orbs has in there. He decided it would be fun to have a ball pit!
Hello Everyone!
I was under the weather last week so I apologize for not being here.
I'm game to go anywhere. I did hear that Vegas is hurting and offering some really good deals on rooms and shows.
Orbs, are you still in the trunk?
Mary, keep an eye out for us!! I think we're getting close to your neck of the woods, keep flashing your front light on and off and we'll try to find you!!!!
What's wrong with the ball pit? I was having fun playing Marco Polo with Orbs! Marco!
Come on Down!
Yes, I'm still in the trunk. Fungi is going to have to fight to get me out of here. I'm homesteading.
Polo, but not water polo.
"Makes it longer when you have to stop for gas every 20 miles...."
What makes what longer?....
The trip, Logjam..... the TRIP! LOL
Whatever were you thinking?
Anyone bring any good music to listen too?
I sick of the crap they're playing on the radio around here...
How about a good road song from Jackson Browne ?
I have to admit, it was amazing to watch orbs cram that polo pony in the trunk! I still don't know how he can stand the smell in there...
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