Saturday, March 7, 2009

Don't Forget to Set Your Clocks Ahead One Hour Tonight

Time to mess with our circadian rhythms again.


OrbsCorbs said...

This stuff always messes me up for a week or so, although I think the push back of an hour in the fall is harder to take for some reason.

This guy wants permanent, "Double Daylight Saving Time": push the clocks ahead two hours once and for all, and then forget about it.

hale-bopp said...

I don't set my clocks ahead...I go around changing all the clocks that automatically jump ahead!

I get the east cost feed for my satellite tv. That means all the shows on cable have their start times shift one hour earlier tomorrow since Arizona doesn't change time!

kkdither said...

That was hilarious! I was laughing out loud. I was sure he was going to talk about the "dirty little secret" of losing an hour...

The time change thing never really used to bother me. Now that I am rising with the dead in the early morning hours, it takes me a couple of weeks to reset my inner clock. I hate it!

Anonymous said...

I always spend the first couple of days thinking,'What time is it really? (meaning yesterday). Then I get used to it.