Saturday, March 14, 2009

Finally, the Truth about John Lennon's Murder . . . from Florida

"California laughed. Look at California now."


OrbsCorbs said...

I'm going to try to invite him to make an appearance at one of Racine's City Council meetings.

drewzepmeister said...

This guy is definately a few chords short of a full song.

Beejay said...

And, naturally, where is he from????? Heaven help me!

kkdither said...

Florida sounds so good sometimes... then???

Maybe the ice and snow isn't all bad? I heard a robin this morning at 5:58 am. Couldn't see the little bugger, it was still too dark and it was hiding in the pine tree.

Beejay said...

Oh, kk, it is aways good here (my town)...I really like where I live.

AvengingAngel said...

There was a movie called "True Believer" with Robert Downey, jr. in it. There was a character in the movie that swore the phone company killed Kennedy.

AvengingAngel said...

BTW, the link doesn't work. The internet police probably took it down.