In a major insult to the people of Racine and their children, the Journal Times has published a fluff piece on sex addiction and Gary Becker. They are making excuses for the poor man and are desirous of our understanding at this difficult juncture in his life.
Nowhere, absolutely nowhere, does the Journal Times mention the child victims of Gary Becker's crimes. They don't even hint at them, as if they do not exist. (And believe me, as far as the powers-that-be are concerned, the children do NOT exist. They will be silenced. I know this from personal experience.)
It is difficult for me to find the words to express my rage, disgust, and sorrow at this stomach-wrenching turn of events. Mostly sorrow. I have been stunned and depressed into silence for days following the decision to allow Becker to vacation in Pennsylvania while his victims are ignored, abandoned, forgot.... I have been mourning them, and my own losses years ago.
The efforts of the Journal Times and the good old pigs to rehabilitate Gary Becker's image at the expense of the children he has destroyed represents everything that is wrong with Racine, everything that I abhor. They are vermin, and they deserve extermination.
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12 hours ago
I am absolutely disgusted as well. I will be encouraging everyone I know to cancel their subscription to that rag. I've already posted it on my facebook and I'll be talking to my friends and family about it today.
It is almost beyond belief. Mom's subscription ends today, too. We will no longer support swine who support chld molesters.
Your words are perfectly stated, orbs. I will repeat them... "Treating a pedophile for sex addiction is like treating a serial killer for anger management."
I too am disgusted and feel like vomiting. Who is paying for Becker's vacation? Will the powers that be then determine he is cured, has done his time, paid his debt to society? Unreal!
I read that piece of trash chat. He mentioned how he liked to fondle pre-pubscent breasts for Christ's sake. This was only one of the 1,800 chats on his computer. This is sick AND dangerous. Anyone else would be locked in a cell.
Recidivism rates speak for themselves. Once inclined, offenders are deemed to be a threat to children for life. That is why they must continue to register as sex-offenders.
I don't have anymore subscriptions to cancel to the Journal Times or I would. I've dumped them long ago.
I have been literally moping around depressed for days, my stomach in knots. Sleeping a lot. I knew why, but I didn't know what to do. Praying, meditation, screaming, nothing helped. I relived some shit I thought I'd never have to revisit. It never ends. It will never end for Becker's victims, either. Evil just morphs. Pigs defend pigs.
Btw, it is a very good thing that I do not own a firearm right now, a very good thing . . .
Hang in there orbs. We can only control a small portion of what happens in life. Hope you can find a healthy way through your demons. Hope you know we care and support you.
What victims? None have come forward. If they are out there, they need to be heard
I have mentioned before and still believe they will ask for a change of venue before his trial begins.
This type of crime goes on every day, the difference here, Becker being mayor, the public has a right to know what is going on, which the media (I feel) did a good job of covering.
After reading many of the articles posted, both blogs and news, I am almost certain they (Becker’s defense team) will plea-bargain down to where he will only get probation and no time in jail/prison. Time spent in jail before the judge ridiculously dropped his bail and time spent in a Philly rehab center combined, will be considered incarceration and he will be released back to society.
Would any of you really expect any girls to come forward? They would be too embarrassed and humiliated and probably feeling like it was their own fault for allowing him to take advantage of them. Don't get me wrong, they shouldn't feel that way. While I do wish someone would come forward and believe 100% there are victims of Becker's abuse out there, I don't anticipate any of them to come forward.
I don't believe that a 14 year old can give informed consent for sex. That is just my personal opinion, but I do not believe that at 14, or 13, or 15, that you understand enough about life to understand what the consequences of engaging in sex might be. In fact, I hear all the time that one of the reasons that there are so many children born to girls in that age group is because they do not understand the consequences of their behavior. Thus, I would put any minor who had sex with Becker (or any other competent adult) in the "victim" category. And no, I don't think it is likely that any will come forward.
I agree that a plea bargain and probation are likely, perhaps with ongoing treatment/therapy/meetings ordered and/or other stipulations. A change of venue is necessary only if they expect a jury trial, and I don't think they do.
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