Monday, March 2, 2009

Microsoft's New Table


kkdither said...

OMG! My brain is so small, it is hard to comprehend this. That water thing looked so cool!

..."It has cameras under the table that can see where you are touching." Is nothing sacred anymore? ;>

OrbsCorbs said...

Yeah, don't dance on it. ;)

drewzepmeister said...

Amazing!!! This could be the future of computers... Technology is sure moving forward with blinding speed. I'm still having fun with yesterday's tech. Wow!

SER said...

Talk about thinking outside the box.

I remember when Texas Instruments came out with pocket calculators, they where the coolest thing since toilet paper!

It's almost like you are afraid to buy the new "gizmo" because by noon tomorrow it will be obsolete!

kkdither said...

I saw K-mart had a 1 GB flash drive clearanced this week for $5.99. The hard drive on my first computer was 8 MB, I think?!

I just saw a news report on tv that said that the way you store your data (documents and photos) is changing so fast, that whatever format is current, is less reliable than that which came before it. So, it is less quality (degrades faster) and the technology to access it becomes obsolete in much less time. The library of congress is having fits trying to keep their collection current.