Sunday, April 5, 2009

Any Predictions for Tuesday's Mayoral Primary?

If I go by the yard signs I see the most, Helding and Dickert look like the finalists. Or maybe they just have the biggest signs. I've seen quite a few Turner signs, too.

I really have no idea. There are too many possibilities. And I’m a terrible gambler.


  1. I see a quite a few of Turner signs.

  2. Pain....

    (ok, name that movie, movie buffs. The original question was "Any predictions for the fight?)

  3. The only fight movies I ever saw were the Rocky ones. I am more peace orientated, can't watch violence, blood and guts. (really only means I can't hold my own...)

  4. Madame Zoltar!!!! Is there any doubt????

  5. I have withdrawn from the race, my dear, a victim of the biased local media. I have placed a curse on the Journal Times which shall soon shrink their newspaper to match their minds.

  6. Two points, KK, or should I say three? Yes, Rocky III with Mr. T delivering the prediction.

  7. I think it will be Dickert/Turner.
