WOW is a great way to describe today-
THANKS TO BEEJAY for being an amazing hostess!!!
It was so nice to finally meet Logjam and Whynot,
and don't get me started on those beyond adorable kids!
The food was great, the company was the best,
and the laughter, we forgot about the cruddy weather!
I had a wonderful time,
ok guys, time for you to fill in the rest!!
PS. Next outing will be June 27th, a Saturday,
get it on your calendars!
The next outing will be less 2 players.Abby and Beejay will be in Florida......I have to say this party just confirmed my love for you all...........I felt more at home than actually being at home..........Whynot.the cutest babies...almost made me want another...ALMOST!!!!!!!..............RAIN? What rain.......
While cooking "HOT DOGS" for Sat. night dinner, it DAWNED on me I didn't talk to Lizardmom. I felt terrible but, the day will come.
It was neat talking to those that I did and let go a big smile when I was done. I MUST say I did a lot of Uh, HU, Uh, HU. cause I couldn't hear much sometimes but, it was really fun.
It sounded like a GREAT time regardless of the weather and am so happy I phoned in.
I didn't make any of the Journal Times blogger meets, but in my estimation this was the best JTI bash yet. Thank you so much Beejay for your hospitality. I already knew that ABBY was a party girl, but I never saw that side of you before today.
It was beautiful The weather didn't matter. There were so many good people and so much good food, it could have been snowing.
I really got sentimental afterwards, thinking about what a great bunch of guys and gals you all are. I am so grateful to the Journal Times for chasing us off of their site. If they hadn't done that, I probably wouldn't have met a single one of you. Thank you to everybody for a great time. (Special thanks to drew for the CD.) I'm already looking forward to the June shindig.
Does one need an identity to attend, or can I come as Anonymous 8:42?
Or 8:41.
Toad, I was really bummed I didn't get to talk to you, I found out you called when I returned from taking the family home and sending my boy Max off to his new home (sniff...)
Coming back was very therapeutic, I really needed the gang, and they cheered me up rather quick.
Mary also called, which was really cool, I did get to talk to her, she went around the room and I hope, got to talk to everybody. We even took a group pic(sorry we missed getting it in time to prove Logjam came - you're not getting out of the next group pic!) We held the phone up that Mary was still on, so she can say she made it too :)
I'm with Orbs, thanks JT for being a bunch of fuddy duddy poo's, without you, we wouldn't be the happy family we are. I think of you every time I change the lizard papers... :)
Thank you all for making me feel so welcome. It is a scary thing actually meeting people from the internet IRL but I have to say this was truly enjoyable. SER I'm sorry I missed the tequila, but I was driving with 2 little ones so I wouldnt have been able to join you anyways. I had a really fun time and I'm sorry I showed up so late. have learned one thing.. that is when you have small children always count on being late.. ah well.. I'll try to get on my way earlier in June. thank you all again.. oh yeah and I appreciated the babysitting =)
I had a terrible time. Crayons but no coloring book :(
It was great to talk to the phone-in-friends, even though it was hard to hear on our end too. How cool that you found a way to join us. We are a rowdy bunch when you throw us together.
I'll admit.... I had a great time even though "someone" couldn't hold their liquids and puked on me.
Anon, you have to get a name or we will have to keep checking our watch when we talk to you...
Drew, thanks for the cd, very thoughtful of you. I'll listen tomorrow. I'm tucking myself in very soon!
My only regret is that time went by so fast, I felt like I didn't get to talk to each of you enough. Can we do it again tomorrow? :)
Geez! Give someone a box of crayons and they crab because they didn't get a coloring book. I'll save that for next time.
It was nice meeting everyone. Sorry I had to book early. Cut and paste me in the group photo.
Once again, I had a great time! Many thanks to Beejay for being such a gracious hostess! The food was great and conversations were lively. I'm glad that I got to meet logjam and Why Not. (Those kids were adorable) Glad that I got to speak to Toad and Mary over the phone. It was great seeing everyone else again!!!
:( I'm sad I couldn't make it. I REALLY wanted to make this one. :(
Here's a shot I took of our editorial board. Look ma, no suspenders!
hey!!!!!!!! you weren't supposed to post pics, those 'other' ones had BETTER stay hidden or we'll be down one editor!
It is very easy for me to be a (fill in the blank) hostess (no, not that word, SER!), with such a great group of folks.
I felt badly that I missed saying good-bye to you, Orbs...Mom's potato salad was great...you tell her thanks from us...and thank you all for all the great dishes you brought.
And, yes, I made it to the next party...boooorrrrriiiinnnngggg, as my Mikala would say...you guys are a hard act to follow!
DA, the next time there is a gathering and I am in town, I will drag you there by your hair myself...and, Abby, will help me...no outs for you again. Never, ever....This is the warmest, most loving group of people you can ever meet.
Our first gathering, as many of you will recall, was immediately following my husband's funeral. You welcomed me with such open arms and I felt protected and safe. That was the first time since I was about 18 that I had gone anywhere without an 'escort.' Needless to say, I have overcome that obstacle.
Tomorrow, I have to remove all those '60' signs from my house, on the outside chance someone would think I might be closing in on that age. And,then there is the problem with the snakes...I have no idea where the girls hid them all. I'm almost afraid to go to bed.
PS Fungi, I will await your recipe...yummy, yummy and your wife is so much fun...never leave her home again...
Abby, you and I will have our Blogger South meeting, as Hale Bopp and I did earlier this year. Might not be on the same day, but it will be FUN...yep, guaranteed!
Oh, my dears, I am so, so sorry about the weather. If you remember, I promised that no matter what, the weather would at least be good over Beejay’s house. Unfortunately, my notoriously poor sense of direction came into play when I cast my spell. While it was raining cats and dogs over most of the area, two blocks south of Beejay’s it was a sunny spring afternoon.
My confusion also affected my projection on the astral plane. Once again, I overshot the mark. That last clap of thunder you heard this afternoon was me landing at O'Hare Airport. I ended up in some sleazy lounge where I met an old Astrology School friend who was between planes. We started reminiscing and got drunk. She missed her plane. I missed the party. Again, I am sorry. I really wanted to boogie with all of you. I promise to make it to the June gathering.
P.S. I perceived what some of you had to say about me behind my back. Starts with b and rhymes with itch. Just remember, a Zoltar never forgets!
Zoltar, the sunshine two blocks south actually was the residue from all the gunfire a week or so ago! It is, indeed, a very hot area for the SPD right now...trust me, I have it from a higher astral plane!
Beejay, I'm sorry I didn't say goodbye to you and AvengingAngel. You two were deeply engrossed in conversation and I didn't want to interrupt.
It was great to meet logjam and Why Not. I look forward to meeting you, DogAddicts.
Again, it was such a fine time. People who have no particular common interest other than making comments on the internet getting together to party - just because. Old coots like me all the way to kids and babies having a good time.
Thanks again, Beejay, for the use of your premises. It must have looked like a bomb went off afterwards. And Lizardmom has hosted the shebang twice now. We can party at my place sometime, too, if we can squeeze 30 or so of us into a small, one bedroom apartment.
Sure you can squeeze us in...oooh, lah, lah! But remember, you will have to find a pole somewhere for you know who!
I can't tell how nice it was to talk to most everyone. Like Toad, it was hard to hear sometimes over the partiers but for the most part, got the conversation in. One of these days I will get up there for one of these fun parties. Maybe SER can get the plane fixed and fly me up.
Now that was a party! It was so nice to see everyone again except for Sers' little friend, he's always messin with my head. The good food and great conversations sure made me forget about the little rain shower. Lookin forward to the next get together. However June 25th is a Thursday. Orbs I thought I asked you not to photograph me from the left.
Beejay, thank you, it was an excellent party!
Gezzzzz, good thing I only brought a small bottle of Jose along; otherwise, a couple more and I believe Abby would be put’in on one hell of a show for us! “Actually it wasn’t the Jose, it was the swill her and Beejay were sucking on!
It was very nice to meet the “first timers” yesterday, Logjam, Why Not and I even got to speak with Mary, on the phone. I missed the call from Toad, I think Fungi, Abby and I must have been enjoying some shots at the time!
KK let me try some of AA’s wine he brought with, good shit! I should have had more wine verses all the Mickey’s Malt I drank...had a little “spark knock” this morning.
My two gorgeous photographers (Lizardmom’s daughters), I gave them my camera and told them to take as many as they want. They did good, they took over 100 pictures! There is one with Beejay bent over and Fungi bent over behind her, oh my, I do not even want to know what was going on there! I’ll have to send it to Beejay so she can explain it to me, there has to be a good story behind that one!
I think if we would have stayed until all the food was gone, let us see, it’s 2:16pm Sunday, we would still be there! The cake was most excellent with all the decorations on it...thanks again Beejay!
Thanks Fungi for noticing my oops on the date,
CORRECTION - next outing date is ...
SATURDAY, JUNE 27th (not the 25th)
SER, what happens at Beejay's, stays at Beejay's!
AA's chianti was wonderful! 2005 Ruffino...see I caught the name, which is what Fungi and I were doing...checking the label on the bottle, which for some reason was rolling between my ..... anyway.....
Bombsite...nah, I've seen worst hit this joint. It is why I keep the place.
I now have such mixed emotions about leaving Sturtevant and returning to the sunny, warm climes of Port Charlotte, FL...however, Abby will be there for the next gathering and she and I will force ourselves to have some fun! Yep, we will. As shy and retiring as she and I both are, it will be difficult to go out amongst the masses in Florida, but we will do in the name of the JTI's. Oh, the sacrifies we all must make for the team!
Wow, all of these comments and not one mention of AAs flaming sword??? or did I miss it?
Why Not, remember we hosed him down before he left. His sword is probably rusty by now.
HAHAHA..........omg I almost forgot about AA's flaming sword.............how the hell did that come about again? I'm sure it happened after the Jose' was gone which means i was alittle gone too.......
I guess I'll find something else to do on 6/27. Anon 8:42 (aka Anon 8:41) :(
My sword is just fine. It will not, I repeat not, ever get rusty.
Oh, AA, you are keeping that baby oiled, are you????
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