After the party, it may be a good idea
to leave town for awhile,
hurry up, get in!!!!
OK Abby, we only have to take the
'old' bus to the west coast where the monster bus
is waiting for us.
I know we're moving but I can't see who's driving...
Doesn't look like there is a potty on this jalopy.... Did the cops come looking for someone? Do we need to leave quickly? I was pretty sure there was no looting this time...
ohhhh cool! A Woody!!!!!!!!!!
I have a porta-potty we can toss in the back.
Have Port-a-potty will travel, cool!
There were some 'interesting' character asking me questions about the party, and I just did my best to play dumb, I know nothing, really!! :)~ yes, get on the bus and LET'S GO ALREADY!! (AA and Abby, I suggest you hide in the back until we get out of town)
Aw, just use a bucket. Me, I'm flying on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again.....
Oh fun, I get to join from the beginning..
Shh. It's me, Orbs, underneath the seat. I'm traveling incognito. Let me know when we've crossed the state line.
I say we head out to California!
Porta-potty? What do you think the empty beer cans are for?! I don't know about this thing. I doubt it will make it out of the driveway let alone 100 miles. And these wood seat....I have a sliver in my ass already!
I'm sorry but I'm not getting.....IN ...ON...OR UNDER....anything called a WOODY!!!!!.....LMAO.........KK has crayons did anyone remeber her coloring books this time?....As far as running from the cops goes....I'm thinking they'll find us in this thing.........
Abby, you're the one that requested an old bus, I thought this was exactly what you wanted, now stop the whining and get on before it's too late!
If we don't have coloring books, I'm throwing a tantrum until we stop and get some.... oh wait, is the wine open?
Liz I ment an old school bus!.........HAHAHA....
KK if I'm here the wines open!.You better hurry though the wine around here goes fast!.BTW I filled your glass when you weren't looking, you've been drinking it for an hour now!HEEHEE........
Are we there yet?
Where's "there"?
"Spill the wine, take that girl..."
Turn that song up logjam, great tune. I'm the one driving... look out!
"Where's 'there'?"
And why are we going "there"?
And how do we get "there"?
So many questions, so few seats on the bus.
aw. BeeJay's leaving us? wah. enjoy Florida!
LMAO...whos got the latter to get on this new suker?...Just got a call from BEEJAY she made it home and was on her way out to see the sunset!
There is only an imaginary state of being because when you get there, you are no longer there but here. Then when you leave the paradigm reverses itself because you are no longer here but was there. Simple ain't.
ummm........ yeah.. sure.. logjam. Whatever you say!
Glad beejay made it home safe.
I'm not hiding anywhere with Abby, I might not get out
AA you big chicken.....You'd get out alive to go for more wine! You know where the good stuff is!
All this racket is giving me a headache. Anyone have any Bayer's heroin?
Orbs, I don't have any of that but I might be able to whip up some Vitameatavegimin for you? Yes, I cheated and had to look up the spelling.
Where do I fly to next?????
Last I heard, kk was driving and drew suggested California, so I assume we're headed west, but I don't know where we are.
I think we're somewhere in the bad-lands, between the donkeys and other funky creatures sticking their heads in the windows looking for food, just a hunch
Nah, Liz, that was Minnie...she has never, ever been me...she told my Caz!
I am flying to Tucson, picking up Hale and then he and I will drive to CA...right, Hale??? Yes, we will...did you win in Vegas??? Did you, did you?
We are definitely not there yet, but are here for the moment.
What time is it? Has anyone seen my cuckoo clock?
I'm driving? Oh $#!+. Here, there, wherever. Does it matter? This isn't the badlands... donkeys, gorillas, monkeys? I think we're at the Milwaukee Zoo! How did I get this bus through the gate?
AA, I chucked that blasted cukoo clock out of the window. That bird had demon eyes... ;>
KK the cuckoo looked crazy because the dam thing was a real bird and got into ORBS Bayer. Glad its gone it was givin me the stink eye!
Wow, Helga's gonna be pissed about the clock.
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