Okay, the news reels are screaming PANDEMIC! should we care? I think we should care a little but not dire dread. Lets look at the facts. This isn't bird Flu (H5N1) or SARS. This is a new Swine Flu (H1N1) and isn't nearly as bad with high morbidity (death) rates. H5N1 has a morbidity of over 64%., and SARS was a bit over 18%. This Swine flu has a morbidity of under .5%. It is also susceptible to anti-virals like Tamiflu. H5N1 has started laughing at the antivirals.
What does this mean to us? It means we should take precautions, but not lose undue amounts of sleep. it means that people will see that the PANDEMIC! worries are overblown and let their guards down for the real pandemic influenzas.
Wash your hands, cover your mouth when you cough, use common sense.
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12 hours ago
Sherry on the View said H1N1 sounded too much like H1...end1.......Y2K?.or should we worry more?
I agree with huck. I'm sick of irresponsible journalism. Naming disasters cute names, making more of stories just to increase viewers while frightening people. All at what cost?
Yes, contagion is something we need to be concerned about. It is terrible that some people have died. Caution is good. Undo fear is not.
We need the media to be honest with the reporting. If and when something is worthy of alarm, will we just say, there goes the media again?
When homeland security set up their terrorist color warning system, how long could you maintain your concern when the news told you daily that the security risk level was at orange?
I dropped off one of mom's prescriptions and jokingly asked if they had enough face masks. She said, "We're sold out."
A school is closed in Chicago. The World health Organization has set their influenza pandemic alert to the second highest level. Pandemic starts and ends with "pan-ic." I think it's time to run for the hills or dig a hole in your backyard and jump in. I also think the government is to blame for this in one way or another and I intend to be compensated.
What is the security risk today? I can't remember the last time I heard it.
I was in the Vegas airport last night and saw someone with a surgical mask on...I so wanted to go stand in their general vicinity and start coughing and sneezing uncontrollably.
I was, much as Huck, thinking about how this compared to SARS and thinking we handled that one well and we are even better at dealing with it from what he learned then. I'll keep an eye on developments, but am not running for the hills to say the least.
I have NEVER been a Vegan and have no intentions of becoming one. That being said, I am going to eat ONLY canned veggies that have been essentially pre-cooked.
The reason being, where do the people that pick the vegies all day long go to the bathroom. I don't recall seeing porta-potty's in the fields?
JUST an observation.
It is my understanding that this is a bacteria. This bacteria can only survive a short time on surfaces. We have been told that food sources, ie: eating pork, vegies and the like are safe.
Panic doesn't help anything. I'm around over two thousand germy kids every day. You are more likely to be exposed from people around you than surfaces.
Keep your fingers out of your mucous membranes... (your nose, eyes and other orifices... good grief!) and wash your hands. Use warm water and sing happy birthday. When the song is done, your hands are clean.
They confirmed a case in South Milwaukee. I think I heard that a few select schools there are closed tomorrow?
"Keep your fingers out of your mucous membranes... (your nose, eyes and other orifices... good grief!)"
so NOW you tell me.. you couldnt have written that a little earlier?!?!?
According to Dr. Nancy Snyderman on TODAY, a mask will not help. Especially if you wear it below the nose. Just wash your hands for at least 15 seconds or as she said, long enough to sing happy birthday. At home and work, clean surfaces such as keyboards, telephones, etc. And for goodness sakes, if your sick, stay home.
While I am concerned I'm not going to lock myself in my house.
Good grief..........LMAO........
DID I just hear that some country is destroying something like 100,000 pigs because of this?.WTF?..........
I had to watch the news before taking the kids to school today...There are a few school closings.
They should make the pigs wear the face masks.
Oh, those poor little piggies!
Yep, use standard, normal good hygiene practice and you will be fine.
The media does it again.....
Influenza is a virus, not a bacterium. Antibacterials will NOT work for the flu.
Face masks come in many types and styles. To be safer, you need the type called "N5". N5 rated masks will filter virus particles. Generic face masks are too porous to do this. Some masks sold at building supply stores are rated N5, believe it or not. These are in single or three packs and are called "Dust masks" made by 3M. Look for the N5 on the label. No "N5," no good.
Yes, wash your hands! If you can't wash your hands, you can use that goop that disinfects. I have the goop, but it seriously chaps my hands.
Killing pigs isn't going to put the Genie back in the bottle. Cooked meat is not infectious is a true statement. Cleaning and cooking infected raw meat can be a pathway.
America has 10 million doses of Tamiflu. America has over 300 million people. Who will get preferential treatment? Why the infrastructure of course. This includes politicians....
Gee, I sure hope Miss Piggy has found a safe hiding place.
I am a former public health nurse, so have heard for YEARS that we were long overdue for a pandemic flu and were preparing for it on the local, state, and federal level...
And I would imagine that if someone was wearing a face mask incorrectly there would certainly be no chance it would protect them from illness-- why do we wear masks in the hospital to protect ourselves from viral and bacterial infection if they are ineffective? Strange thing to even mention, Dr Snyderman or not.
Our family is prepared in the event the flu becomes a problem, and if it doesn't, no worries... I suggest everyone visit the CDC's website and do what you can to be ready-- because if you expect the government to bail you out, you might be disappointed.
I realized I misspoke (bacteria vs. virus) after I posted. From what I heard, the virus is so small that most masks can not adequately block all chances of potential contamination. Something, however, is better than nothing.
I've always liked Dr. Nancy Synderman. She seems to have a pretty level head.
And the media, once again, causes mass hysteria!
I just hope this doesn't my plans in June!
Who is becoming hysterical? I haven't seen it... Mostly I've just seen plenty of people saying "it'll be no big deal, quit freaking out". Just hope those same people have a plan in place, at least a better one than those folks who holed themselves up in New Orleans-- we can see now how well that worked for them. It isn't hysteria to take an hour out of your life to go shopping, have emergency supplies on hand-- we'll just be one less family standing on our roof, beging for help, doing for ourselves what so many other people expect others to do for them (and then crycrycry when the resources just aren't available).
Cyndi, can you list the things that a prudent person should be doing? You aren't suggesting that we go as far as to try to get Tamiflu in the house, are you?
There's a good list of supplies on the CDC's website: www.pandemicflu.gov to get you started... You should only recorve Tamiflu if it's prescribed by your Dr. It's the people taking it indiscriminately that will cause the virus to mutate further, decreasing the likelihood that antivirals will work for future outbreaks.
What ever happened to a good case of syphilis or the clap?
A shot of penicillin and you’re good to go!
After a gazillion clicks to get to the right page.... it is mostly common sense stuff.
If you can weather a wisconsin winter, you will be fine. Have some cash on hand, full tank of gas, have enough of your prescribed medications in the house, enough food and bottled water, batteries... we know the drill.
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