I saw this last week, but the practice seems to be more widespread than first thought. During the Take our Sons and Daughters to Work Day, at least three prisons in Flroida decided that it would be a good idea to demonstrate their handheld stun guns...on the children!
No, the children were not misbehaving. The guards even got permission from the parents for the demonstrations! Are the parents either that sadistic or that clueless about what these stun guns do? They are designed to bring down large unruly prisoners. At least one parent who was not present is suing (they parents are separated and the parent who was not present filed the lawsuit).
Stories like this make me wonder what hookers, drug dealers, and mafia bosses do on Take Out Sons and Daughters to Work Day.
Moving to Stamford, CT — The Complete Guide in 2025
12 hours ago
Naturally, Florida idiots did this! Good grief...Logjam, here you be!
I just saw on the news that some IDIOT in Ohio was arrested for using a dog shock collar on his 3 year old, the kicker was he only did it because he thought it was funny...........
Mean while back to the story at hand if my x apporved this on one of my kids without MY consent...I'd tazer his privates and take my chances going to jail myself!
Go girl, Abby.
Note to self...don't f**k with Abby's kids! Oh sh**! I just swore in front of them!
Unbelievable! That isn't my idea of show and tell!
Hell, Hale, you might be living on borrowed time now!
Common you guys you all know me. Swearing in front of them is the only way they'll hear you!!!!You're still safe Hale!HEEHEE
Tazering any kid is just plain stupidity...
It happened at three separate facilities on the same day, but they don't think the incidents are related?
Well, maybe Abby won't taser my privates after she sees how I really feel about her.
I love the mafia inference....Hey, ltlle Joey, this is how we break da guy's thumbs dat don't pay on time.....
wow, I went to work with my mom (she worked down at Kenosha Correctional) and I thought it was bad when one of the inmates asked who the bitch was (the bitch being me at about 11 years of age) and one had to be sure to look to the left as soon as you got out of the guards room so that you did not see any of the inmates in the shower..
I luv ya Hale! Thanks.You're totally safe now!
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