Sunday, May 24, 2009

A Game

Something we haven't seen in awhile - a new game to test your skills.

And do I SUCK at it.........


For some reason I cannot connect to the site, it may be down, so here is another test of skills.

Cannon Game


  1. ow.. k, didnt spend a terrible amount of time on this but the best I did wasa 50% accuracy and never went on to the next level.

  2. 50% Holy Bajesus...I hit 15% once, but then I'm blind in one eye and can't see out the other!

  3. I suck at this game... And believe me I'm worse doing the real thing. I shot a skeet house!

  4. Well... After a couple of practice rounds, made it to the fourth level. I got a bonus round, and the background changed.... Cool.... Scored 5,870. Thought my "skeet didn't stink" until I looked at the other posted high scores... ha ha.

    My accuracy was only 46%. That still qualifies me to go quail hunting with the former V.P, right? ;>

  5. As if I'm not pissing away enough time at the computer......

  6. Does anyone read the instructions on these games first, or just start shooting? I always just start shooting. And I, too, suck.

  7. I always shoot first, then read or ask questions later..... :)

  8. I am submitting for irrregular skeet shooting champion with a score of 8750!
