Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

To All the Mommys out There



OrbsCorbs said...

Hi mom!

kkdither said...

Thank you SER! What a nice surprise.
I have two arms that long to hold you, TULIPS that long to kiss you....


orbs, does mom ever read the JTI? Does she condone you making friends here?

OrbsCorbs said...

Don't tell anyone, but my mom is actually Madame Zoltar.

Lizardmom said...

I just knew there was an Orbs/Zoltar connection, just couldn't put my finger on it, should have seen the family resemblance :)

The flowers are beautiful, SER, thanks :)

Happy Mothers Day to all the moms out there!!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Corbs, you know that is ridiculous. You are older than me, so how could I be your mother?

AvengingAngel said...

I just don't get as many cards on Mother's day as I sed to get. I must be mellowing.

Anonymous said...

Thanks SER! I worked all day making sure everyone else had a good Mom's day.

OrbsCorbs said...

OK, whatever you say, Ma Zolt-, oops, I mean, Madame Zoltar.
