I just LOVE Maxine!!
I have a terrible time fighting off the urge to procrastinate!
I have 2 projects I want to accomplish this week -
The living-room and my desk.
Sounds easy, right??
Well, my desk just needs my undivided attention for
about an hour or so, but sitting still that long
without finding something more fun to do is another thing.
That is one I will put as the easier of the 2.
The living-room, that's another story.
Hubby was laid off for 3 months, and just before
going back to work (for now), started these projects...
The project that affected me and my living-room
is that he took EVERYTHING out of the attic and it is(was)
piled all in the living-room so we could go thru it all.
Great in theory... maybe even practical, work, either way...
We did get about 1/2 of it sorted and shrunk down,
the other 1/2 is piled in the corner by the front door,
most of it needing ME to go thru it all. yeah, me...
I knew that if I didn't do something drastic,
these would never get done.
I am putting this out there as pressure for me to
actually get to it and have to come back and report
to you if nothing else.
I also put this out there because maybe, just maybe,
I'm not alone in the procrastination dept.
and some of you guys need that little push to do something
you've been putting off.
Anybody up to a challenge?
I work alot better under pressure. :)
I'll start tomorrow... :)
Every once in a while I'll think about procrastinating.
I've had high-pressure
"to do" lists miles long lately that I couldn't put off. I'm all for some procrastination.... bring it on baby!
I'll comment tomorrow.
Don't feel too bad. I've been doing it tomorrow for two years.
I have unbelievable, yet true progress to report - the attic project is over, I went thru EVERYTHING today, re-packed it and it's ready to go back up!!
Tomorrow I vacuum and catch up on DVR stuff, I think I deserve it! Wednesday I will hopefully tackle my desk... this pressure is killing me!
(but it's helping :) )
Procrastinate now...why do today what you can put off until tomorrow!
Like the retired guy said when his wife asked him what he was going to do today, he answered “nothing”, she said you did that yesterday. He replied, “I wasn’t finished”!
woo hoo, both daunting tasks are complete - yeah!!!!!!!!!!!
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