Saturday, May 30, 2009

I Have a New Lawyer


kkdither said...

Scottie Baio, Chachi... That was actually pretty funny. Wasn't it Arrested Development that offered that up?

SER said...

Too Good.......

hale-bopp said...

Arrested Development rocks!

As a side note for fans of the show, I went to college (and did improv) with Ian Roberts who played a character in Arrested Development named "Literal Doc". He was the Doctor who treated Buster when he got attacked by a seal and told the family Buster would be "all right".

kkdither said...

I loved that show. Somehow each episode was crazier than the last.

OrbsCorbs said...

I didn't watch the show, but saw the video clip and Googled "Bob Loblaw."

Anonymous said...

Blah blah blah....roflmao.........