Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Relay For Life

Hey everyone,

I hate to ask for money on my 3rd blog, but it's for a good cause so here I go. I am going to cheat and take the mail that they send out and paste it here as they articulate themselves so well. If you have the possibility I would greatly appreciate any support you could give. This is a very important cause as it affects all of us in some way, but I definitely understand if it's not possible or choose not to. Thanks in advance.

This year in my community, I have committed to participate in the Relay For Life.

I have learned that this year, hundreds of thousands of people will hear the words "You have cancer”. I know that some of those people could be people that I care about. Instead of being afraid of that, I have chosen to do something to fight back against this disease and I’m asking for your help.

Will you make a donation to my Relay For Life efforts? To donate online now, click the link below to visit my personal page.

By making healthy lifestyle choices such as eating right, exercising and not smoking we can reduce the chances of getting cancer by as much as 50%! As someone I care about, I’m asking you to take up this challenge to fight back against cancer by making healthy lifestyle choices and supporting my fundraising efforts.

Thank you in advance for your support. Together, we will celebrate, remember, and fight back!

Eliminate it!

Please visit My Page

or if I didn't figure out how to do a link correctly here, just copy and paste this.


  1. ok the link worked when I previewed it before I published it. dont know what happened, and I was so proud of myself, thought I figured it out.

    ah well...

  2. Thanks, dont know what my mental is.. I swear it was working.
