Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Charlie's New Buddy

Meet Chucky Chipmunk:

Now my pet has a pet.


  1. too cute, Orbs! Just too darn cute. Charlie and his Bud!

  2. Charlie's obsessed now with sitting at that window each evening. He usually tries to catch the chipmunk. What surprises me even more than Charlie's occasional docile behavior is how trained/tame the chipmunk has become. As long as I don't make any sudden moves and there's a little food out there for him, he'll just sit and chew away. He even ignores some of Charlie's lesser lunges now. He can take off with three peanuts at a time - one stuffed into each of his mouth's side pouches, and one held in his teeth. lol

  3. AHA...Obs is a man!!! Okay, one down, 30 to go. Oh..Lizardmom is a woman. 29 to go. I have a cat that runs from the bedroom door window to the living room window and back again to watch a bunny just outside. All the bunny does is sit there.

  4. That Charlie! What a guy! So handsome!

  5. Sassa, yes, I am a man, and I look exactly like my avatar because I had a face transplant in honor of my hero, "Bob". I also had a pipe permanently implanted into my mouth.

  6. Orbs, do not feed or encourage those rodents! Those cute little buggers willfully eat, then fling my lovingly tended flowers, roots and all, right out onto the ground.

    They then, tunnel condominiums into my built-in flowerbox. They my are my sworn enemies. Last year they pushed me over the edge and turned me into a murderess. If you let Charlie loose, you'll see how fond of this pet he is!

  7. I think you should file this under "things that make you go awe.....

  8. Gound rats, that all they are....

  9. Ignore them all, they are jealous of Charlie's new's me....
