As an example, the George Foreman grill; from when they first came out, within 12 years, they sold 90 million of them! The first Motorola cell phone known as the “brick” weighed 2 pounds and sold for $4,000, now they give them away with a year contract!
My favorite household gizmo is my KidtchenAid Mixer. Cobalt Blue.
What’s your favorite?
I'd have to say mine is the microwave. I don't know how I lived so many years without it...
I would also say my microwave.
Gotta agree with SER only my KitchenAid is red. With the number of cheesecakes I make, this thing really makes it easy.
I have to say my favorite gizmo is my B&D Gizmo can opener! Don't know if they even still make them.....
Oooh cheesecake? Karrie, have you read about our next get together??? Have you rsvp'ed? ;>
I think the oven is totally great. Since I don't use it and it is sooooo large I can store big items in it.
Another one which I had a lot of fun with and need a new one is the game Simon.
The Veg-O-Matic. I bought one for my mom for Christmas one year when I was a kid. She used it once, then never used it again.
mine is white and I love it!
but the microwave I think tops it too
I'm still paying dearly for my best kitchen aid! My 11 year old with a zest for cooking..
Also topping my list is my dish washer because the afor mentioned won't do them!
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