Friday, July 10, 2009

AIG bonuses: $235 million to go

Troubled insurer AIG has asked the government's 'pay czar' to review hundreds of millions more in bonus payments to employees of its most crippled division.

NEW YORK ( -- Bailed-out insurer AIG again found itself in the crosshairs of bonus rage on Friday over its plans to pay $2.4 million in executive bonuses next week.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Does it even mater anymore? Billions and millions and trillions and gazillions. Who can keep track of it? I just assume that free money is gushing out of our government like water spraying out of an umanned firehose.


Here's the website that will cost us $18,000,000:
It will be worth every penny, I'm sure.


kkdither said...

No wonder the government needs to reduce funds it sends to school districts.... hmmmm.

hale-bopp said...

Looks like I picked the wrong line of work!

There have been a lot of behind the scene dealings done primarily by the Federal Reserve outside of the stimulus and the $700 billion bailout passed last fall. I have seen accounting of these running into the $4-5 trillion range. These were not voted on by Congress and didn't require the signature of Bush or Obama.

I understand the need for an independent Federal Reserve that is no beholden to the political whims of Congress or the president, but we may need to evaluate their role and see where they really deserve free reign.

SER said...

I need to get into this “stimulus money” and line my pockets with greenbacks........damn thieves!